RolnCode3 said:
I didn't really mean that I think it is repeated on the black. I just saw it
here. Like I said, though, I think I've heard a very weak mobile signal across the base freq, but I'm not sure. It would be nice if it was repeated (or they just ditched the setup totally). I know for a fact that the Sac County system has talkgroups set aside for CHP, should they want them (have the Fleetmap from the radio shop).
Here is that line from FON:
South Sacramento..252..112.....Black....42.46...42.70...179.9..(yes?)
I never looked that close at it before to notice it was repeated. It wasn't last year, but this may be new.
Like I said, though, I think I've heard a very weak mobile signal across the base freq, but I'm not sure.
That was more than likely car to car, as said above. Trying to listen with a scanner is hard, since lowband requires a decent receiver to be useful. Even with the same commercial gear, it's hard to hear the cars unless they are pretty close...except if you are quite a distance away and get them from other areas since the 42 MHz signals bounce around very well.
As for the "tuna pole" lowband antennas, I must respectfully disagree that their removal made the cars look better...IMHO it's to the contrary. Those antennas were a sign of authority and made a CHP car readily indentifiable to the public, not to mention they worked better!
The state of Missouri still uses lowband also. I've got a former Missouri State HP Caprice that I show with a tuna pole and it scares people around here...there hasn't been lowband in this state since the early 70's. The Caprice has the correct functional GE radios, and I can hear the current MSHP 42 MHz freqs while I'm driving it around when the band is open...even get CHP once in a while. I did some tests with a NMO mount Comtelco lowband antenna vs the ball mount, and the ball mount smoked the NMO antenna.
The (unfortunate) reason CHP got rid of the tuna pole was mutual interference between the radio and laptop when they started getting them in 1998. They had to move to a roof mounted NMO to get shielding (the roof) in between the computer and radio antenna.