Choosing A Second Radio


Aug 12, 2024
About three weeks ago I bought my first portable multi-band radio, an XHData D-109-WB. I like it a lot and it’s a lot of radio for about $40.

I knew when I the “buy” button that I would soon want a second radio and now I’m trying to decide. My big question is what do I want. There are a lot of radios that are “nicer”- such as the C. Crane Skywaves, the Tecsun PL-880, Eton Exexutive, to name a few. They cost a lot more and but some of the newer portables seem to be as sensitive or more so for a lot less money.

There is the Qodosen DX-286, which is said to have astounding sensitivity. It costs twice as much as my XHData though. The Tecsun PL-660 is still around and is a really good example of an analog tuned radio.

Then there’s the Tecsun PL-330. It seems to perform well, and also has some really nice features that seem to be pretty easy to get the hang of. I actually narrowed down my choices to the PL-330 and the D-109WB. I ordered the latter because it had faster delivery and was cheaper.

SSB is not important to me. If a radio has it, fine. But if not, that’s ok too.

I’m leaning towards either the Qodosen for sensitivity, or one of the Tecsuns for nice build quality and good features. I am trying to like the Skywaves, but they seem at least to me to be overpriced.

Any suggestions?


Sep 8, 2013
The PL - 660 is a good choice if sound quality is important. The PL-680 if you can get one is also a good choice.
Plus you may want SSB some day to tune in a signal, listen to Pirate Radio, utilities, ham radio, etc. You never know.

Yeah, the Qodosen intrigues me too, but the absence of SSB feature just about rules it out. You may feel different of course.


Oct 10, 2015
Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦
Ha ha it looks like you got GAS, Gear Acquisition Syndrome
wanting a second radio already. But don't worry it is perfectly
normal in this hobby but no cure. Wait till you get on your 50th radio.

All the radios you mentioned work extremely well for this hobby.
CC Crane make great radios but are overpriced. For you I would
go with the Qodosen since you are SWL broadcast station DXer,
the better sensitive would be ideal.

If you were a SSB user I would go with the Tecsun PL-880 or
the Eton Executive, both great SSB radios.


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Aug 12, 2024


Aug 12, 2024
Ha ha it looks like you got GAS, Gear Acquisition Syndrome
wanting a second radio already. But don't worry it is perfectly
normal in this hobby but no cure. Wait till you get on your 50th radio.

All the radios you mentioned work extremely well for this hobby.
CC Crane make great radios but are overpriced. For you I would
go with the Qodosen since you are SWL broadcast station DXer,
the better sensitive would be ideal.

If you were a SSB user I would go with the Tecsun PL-880 or
the Eton Executive, both great SSB radios.

You may very well be right about the Qodosen. As for the PL-880, it looks like it’s really really nice, but I also think it’s a bit overpriced.


Mar 4, 2004
Crafton Pennsylvania
I have the C.Crane Skywave SSB. Very impressed with it. My main receiver, a Icom R9000 is acting goofy so I have taken it off line and using the Sywave. Admittedly a minnow in front of the R9k, but with a end fed (Par SWL), it doesn't overload and has a excellent dynamic range. A past reviewer termed it a "Swiss Army knife of radios" due to NOAA WX capability and civilian aero band. MW and FM reception is superb.

I purchased directly from C.Crane and arrived to my Pittsburgh address the next day. Very impressive as I didn't pay for next day.

The Skywave runs of two AA's. Trying to run them down without much success.

A very capable radio to consider purchasing.


Aug 12, 2024
I have the C.Crane Skywave SSB. Very impressed with it.

A very capable radio to consider purchasing.
Yes, indeed, a wonderful radio from a good company… but $200. I’m not sure there’s enough value there for me to spend that much.


Sep 8, 2013
You may very well be right about the Qodosen. As for the PL-880, it looks like it’s really really nice, but I also think it’s a bit overpriced.

if your budget is firm, the Qodosen maybe your best choice.
You know you the best.
That is why it's difficult to make suggestions to someone you don't know.
We make suggestions based on our own experience and mistakes.

Tecsun PL-880 is my best portable, but audio on PL-660 and PL-680 sounds better to my ears. But that is just my experience.
Spend once, cry once.


Aug 12, 2024
I just started with this, so I don’t have any deep seated brand loyalties. I do like to buy American. But I do also want to get value for my money. At the risk of getting people fired up, I feel like buying some of these radio brands is like buying a John Deere riding mower. You pay more for the brand name and it’s debatable as to whether you get value for the extra money.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
Say what you will. I am content with my purchase.
Happy DX
While I am 110% in agreement on not wanting to buy the Chinese radios, unfortunately we have to deal with reality. We would have a very empty hobby without occasionally buying from them or some other foreign country and again, unfortunately it would be very difficult to exist without buying a consumer product of some type made there.
I try to buy as much as I can made in the USA, but there are limits.
In addition, like it or not, some of their equipment is actually quite good. My Qodosen is a very nice radio as are some Baofengs . In this hobby, I would be forced to find another hobby since there are basically no companies left in this country…if it isn’t China, then it comes from some other country and since I have limited time on earth, I cannot spend too much time on something I can’t control…sad but true.


Aug 12, 2024
It’s not really on my list, but I’m curious about the positioning of the XHData/Sihuadon R-108 radio. It’s about $10 more than my XHData D-109WB. It adds air band, but doesn’t have weather band or NOAA alerts. The R-108 uses a BL-C5 battery while the D-109 uses an 18650 button top.

Other than that they’re very similar. The R-108 is also fairly obviously aimed squarely at the $90 C. Crane Skywave 2. Maybe that justifies the higher price than the D-109WB?


Sep 2, 2012
It’s not really on my list, but I’m curious about the positioning of the XHData/Sihuadon R-108 radio. It’s about $10 more than my XHData D-109WB. It adds air band, but doesn’t have weather band or NOAA alerts. The R-108 uses a BL-C5 battery while the D-109 uses an 18650 button top.

Other than that they’re very similar. The R-108 is also fairly obviously aimed squarely at the $90 C. Crane Skywave 2. Maybe that justifies the higher price than the D-109WB?
If your choice comes down to a BL-5C radio vs. a 18650 powered radio, I'd go with the BL-5C one hands down. I've read a few negative reviews about 18650's either not holding charge, having differing sizes, etc...

I have two BL5C powered radios and the batteries work just fine.


Aug 12, 2024
If your choice comes down to a BL-5C radio vs. a 18650 powered radio, I'd go with the BL-5C one hands down. I've read a few negative reviews about 18650's either not holding charge, having differing sizes, etc...

I have two BL5C powered radios and the batteries work just fine.
Different types of batteries have different advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I’d probably prefer radios that use AA batteries. But that wasn’t a huge issue for me. I ended up getting the Qodosen DX-286. It and my first SW radio, the XHData D-109WB, both use the button top 18650. That seems to be the trend for portable radios these days. They’re not all that popular in the US, except for at vape stores, and in Europe and Asia a lot of flashlights have them.

So far I have no complaints about them.