CHP “Lime” Ventura Dispatch Center

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 13, 2012
Ventura, CA
The RRDB for CHP Coastal Division, Ventura Dispatch Center, shows

45.28000 KMK259 B 151.4 PL.
The Description is “Lime - Base”, nothing more.
The Transmitter is on Santa Ynez Peak. The matching mobile frequency is 42.72.
FCC records show the Control Point is the CHP office in San Luis Obispo. This listing belongs under the San Luis Obispo Dispatch Center, not Ventura

My question: Does anyone know the reason for this pair?


Premium Subscriber
May 18, 2008
Santa Ynez, CA
There are a number of points that need to made:
1. Most CHP radio sites have licenses for many frequencies some of which may be used rarely of not at all.
2. Santa Ynez Peak is used to dispatch Santa Barbara units (29) from Ventura.
3. San Luis Obispo dispatches Buellton (3) and Santa Maria (28) from Santa Ynez Peak at times.

Thus, the Lime channels could be used by either dispatch center or not at all. It is a tac channel. While I don't monitor it often, I've never heard any traffic on Lime.

What is their reason for this channel? You can never have enough channels and it's not like there's competition for low band frequencies.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 13, 2012
Ventura, CA
I am well aware of all ko6jw_2's points.
It is my understanding that to be listed in the RRDB an entry must be verified by the submitter as having been heard, thus its specific use should be under Description. Or does this not hold for CHP? How did this get entered if not verified as to specific use?


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2010
CHP Coastal Division "Lime" previous thread noting not used.

Also per inigo88 back in 2013, deep within this thread New CHP frequency assignments? Cutover date? - * Tactical channels were updated to match info found in the CHPERS documents (along with FCC licenses for the applicable mountaintop transmit sites). From all the evidence I've seen over the years, I haven't found a single shred of proof that the "Lime Tactical" channels are accurate or were ever even really programmed into the CHP's radios. However Coastal division was supposed to get a secondary channel called "Coastal Lime," which suggests there may be some merit to them. If anyone has any more info on the CHP Tacs or "Lime" channels I'd be interested to see. Until then, the 'Lime Tac' category will remain in the db in the interest of completeness.


Database Admin
Jun 29, 2008
SF Bay Area
LIME appears in a 2009 CHP codeplug (for the CHPERS cutover) under the new channel lineup. There is a note at the bottom which reads "LIME to replace the second GREEN channel pair Coastal Division in Santa Barbara".

So it seems the LIME was intended to replace the GREEN for the Santa Barbara area office.
Jan 4, 2005
Soledad, CA
On the center coast CHPERS plan CHP never cut over to the 44-45mhz even though they still have licenses for them. Only the Blue channel did.


Premium Subscriber
May 18, 2008
Santa Ynez, CA
I have continuously monitored the Lime channel for several days straight on an old RS scanner with a count function. So far "00" count. I have line of sight to SY Peak. I think it's safe to say that this is an inactive or future use frequency. If it's deleted from the database then someone will complain if they ever start using it and they didn't have it programmed in their radio.


Interoperating Spurious Emissions
Premium Subscriber
Feb 7, 2003
The real northern california
If it's deleted from the database then someone will complain if they ever start using it and they didn't have it programmed in their radio.

And such is the dilemma of The Holy and Sacred Database. If it isn't heard, then it must never exist right? But if it doesn't exist, then nobody has it in their scanner, then it's never heard. For every 500 scanner listeners out there (maybe even 1000), there's one person actually using the search function of their scanner. And out of 10 of those searchers, 9 just hit the wrong button and don't know it, one actually is investigating the airwaves and taking notes of use and type of traffic and searching FCC records and trying to find the likely user. And for every 3 of those true old-school hobbyists, 1 might actually submit something to The Holy and Sacred Database so that it comes into existence for the other 14,997.

All unorthodox criticism aside, I've scanned it ever since it came into light with CHPERS/FCC licensing (last 10 years?), while traveling/staying through VNC/SBA/SLO along 101, including all last week. Not a peep.
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
Well said norcalscan!!! Which comes first; programming some frequency into our receivers or hearing something new? I typically get such great reception, what I pick up can be coming from quite a distance, all I can do is search the DB to see what it is. If not there, .... all I can do is leave it programmed, make a note and move on.

When the CHP started re-transmitting mobile traffic onto base frequencies, I remember all the proposed changes. Some were changes in CT values, some frequencies, and mostly a second pair of frequencies. I immediately programmed each and every one of these into my receivers. I also kept the original BLUE pair with their original CT values as I just didn't believe they would immediately change to something else. And I'll I can say is that paid off.

The only sane way I can keep track of this stuff is to maintain my own DB. When something new comes along, I add it. If that something new logically replaces what was done before, then I'll delete the old channels; but more often simply mark it as old until I verify that it no longer talks. CHP has been all over the map (yeah nice pun), each division is a little different from the others. Just because they're using a "dual pair" in one place, doesn't mean a thing to the next division. And there certainly is stuff that was planned, that, for whatever reason, hasn't been put into operation ... yet. Is it still planned? If so, deleting from the DB is not the thing to do unless we never want to know when it comes active.


Database Admin
Jun 29, 2008
SF Bay Area
The DB is not the place for planned/future use frequencies that may be used at some point years from now. That's what the Wiki is for. Since the lime has been in the DB for a decade or more and has never been heard, I will likely move it to the Wiki.
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