City of Calgary Amateur Repeater updates.

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Jun 9, 2017
I will attempt to clarify VE6FIL as to whether it is still Fusion only, Fusion and analog, or analog only. One of the executive of FARS was talking this afternoon but did not expand on what FIL is currently. I know they are working on upgrading some repeaters, the one at Black Diamond hospital that has a problem at the present time.

We at FARS are happy to hear that people are making use of our resources as they are open to all to use. I'd be remiss if I didn't make a plug about "become a member" but I digress :)

For any questions about the network feel free to reach out to us at Contact | Foothills Amateur Radio Society. Our repeater status and modes are listed at Repeaters | Foothills Amateur Radio Society and is our single source-of-truth on such things.

VE6FIL is C4FM digital only. VE6HRD lost its power amp about a week ago and plans are underway to get it serviced.

73 de VE6LK/AI7LK
Secretary, FARS
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