city of lubbock and texas tech radio


Oct 6, 2024
so i was listening this morning and heard the same voices from a radio shop on the texas tech fire marshal and city of lubbock eoc comm 7 any idea whats going on i even have noticed texas tech and sheriffs department on lea 2 during games and I've noticed other state agencies on other city and county channels i thought harris radios and Motorola's weren't compatible


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
I have monitor Lubbock on many occasions. I am curious. After looking at the trunked systems for Lubbock & Texas Tech, I see a "Fire Marshall" talk group on both.

I see that Texas Tech has a Fire Marshall's office.

So, I don't know if one there is patching going on in the Hub city specific to Fire Marshall.

I was spawned in Lubbock. I am thinking of moving back because I am sick and tired of people migrating to the IH35 corridor. Waco has become an overflowing toilet with hordes flocking here.

Driving on IH35 is rather dangerous to say the least.

I wish they made predation decoys for humans.

The nothingness of the South Plains is very appealing to me. The thunderstorms are epic. The night sky on a clear night is breathtaking. The sunsets are incredible.

I am not fond of the dust storms. The Lubbock entertainment district has improved. The Cactus theater has been pulling musicians from Lubbock such as Carolyn Wonderland & other noteworthy folks. The prices are incredibly cheap. Parking is free.

I hate what Austin has become, a clip joint of a city.

So, if and when I move there, I am happy to know about all locals and their radio experiences/difficulties/questions.

"Good Luck & Good Night."
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