This afternoon I heard Henry 299 talking to troop A on TG 41680 in reference to a problem at milemarker 105( I-40). I guess 800 radios are slowly seeping out to areas ajacent to troop A etc
Yeah, I'm starting to see them show up in a few Troop K units. Interestingly enough, when listening to the manhunt in Lincoln Cty last night, one of the Zebra units (still wondering what those are?) assigned to the manhunt only had lowband, and he couldn't hear Troop A on lowband, another trooper (his supervisor?) had to establish contact with him via his cellphone. Not real comforting!
I've seen several Troop H units with 800 mhz antennas. I've also heard them talk about using them in the city, one Troop A unit was at Burns Flat training and wanted to know what the 800 car to car was for here, they told him they didn't use them just low-band
According to the Daily Oklahoman article on the manhunt, this is a new unit specifically for manhunts. It was established as a result of the Scott Eizember manhunt near Stroud.
I heard that exchange on the unit that did not have an 800mhz radio, too. I also heard an Ardmore troop unit on 800 on Friday morning that was en route to Chandler.
While the manhunt was getting started a Zebra unit who was taking charge
stated about 30 other zebra units were at a troop meeting in OKC and were running hot to Lincoln county. Sounds like that fellow picked a bad day to escape.