Close Call With Two Airplanes at Meadow Lake Airport (KFLY)

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Jul 27, 2011
On Saturday, November 19th I stopped by Meadow Lake Airport (KFLY) near Colorado Springs to do a little plane watching.

There was a cross-wind making departure from either end of the runway an option. Suddenly a plane began landing from the north while a plane lined up for takeoff TOWARDS the north!

The second aircraft appeared to have radio issues, as even after I stopped videoing, I heard some communication on the scanner which alluded to that possibility. Because of that, the second aircraft may not have heard the first aircraft declaring that he was landing.

In the end, disaster was avoided and no one was hurt!

Close Call At KFLY
Jul 2, 2011
Starke, FL
Wirelessly posted (BB9800 / BB8350i: Opera/9.80 (BlackBerry; Opera Mini/4.4.26736/26.1192; U; en) Presto/2.8.119 Version/10.54)

That's good disaster was averted! I wonder how much that actually happens around the world, close calls like that. :-/
Jul 2, 2011
Starke, FL
Wirelessly posted (BB9800 / BB8350i: Opera/9.80 (BlackBerry; Opera Mini/4.4.26736/26.1192; U; en) Presto/2.8.119 Version/10.54)

Wow, that's crazy! At least they're working on a system and hopefully it will work.


Apr 4, 2010
Blairsville, Georgia
I wouldn't say this was pilot error at all. The aircraft taking the runway seems to have him perfectly in sight. The aircraft was simply taxiing into position and holding, after he saw him turning around, of course. Looking at the video, he couldn't exited the runway left or he would be nose-to-nose with the other aircraft getting to the ramp. I see this because he was planning to do a 180, as he veered off to the right as soon as he slowed a little. I've done this before, but not departing on a reciprocal l runway. I have seen it done many times. Doesn't look like any type of danger to me. As a pilot, you are (or should) be looking out the window before taking the runway, along with a radio call. If it was unintentional, the plane would of stopped before taxiing on, or the Cessna would of gone around.

At least that's my opinion... what did you hear that makes you think he's having radio trouble?


Jul 27, 2011
Hi Caleb,

The audio I mainly heard before and after I started filming is definitely what led me to conclude that this might have been a close call. Because of the wind direction, there were pilots who started using both ends of the runway while other aircraft were already in the pattern.

After I stopped filming, the pilot taking off said, "I didn't hear him" in response to another pilot who questioned whether he saw the approaching aircraft. His radio kept "kerchunking" and at one point during my footage you can hear him say, "arrgh". Also, the taking off pilot asked two other aircraft (before taking off), "Can you hear me?" and then mentioned that he just had his annuals done.

I definitely don't claim to be right, and I guess "close call" may be a bit dramatic as both planes had plenty of room for either to steer off the runway as a last resort. Either way, I'm glad that nothing major happened!

Take care,
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