Coast Guard 26 Airlift

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Apr 3, 2011
Jacksonville FLORIDA
Recorded overnight on 051919 into 052919. On 265.2500 in NFM mode. This transmission began with what might have been a call sign, but it was said too quickly, and I could not understand it. The transmitter then said "This is Coast Guard 2207 (or 2307), this is Coast Guard 2207, on Coast Guard 26 Airlift".
Now the nature of the transmission, being in the 265 Mhz range would make a person think first that this was simply an AM transmission that was filtered through NFM mode. I am familiar with that occasional situation, and I know the sound. This was not the case, there was not that disembodied sound that makes you hear it and say "That's just not right". He was speaking in the clear, and certainly in the correct mode. The other option was that 265.2500 is in R.R. as Flt Satcom D - U.S.N. downlink. I am lacking a little knowledge about Satcom, but would think transmissions in the clear would be rare. Who is familiar with a Coast Guard 26 as a channel designation? I have been searching databases for a few days, and can't locate any Coast Guard activity for 265.2500.
( I just saw the caption under the Military Forum requesting that U.S.C.G. be posted there, my apologies, I simply missed that one....... )
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Jul 8, 2002

Recorded overnight on 051919 into 052919. On 265.2500 in NFM mode. This transmission began with what might have been a call sign, but it was said too quickly, and I could not understand it. The transmitter then said "This is Coast Guard 2207 (or 2307), this is Coast Guard 2207, on Coast Guard 26 Airlift".
Now the nature of the transmission, being in the 265 Mhz range would make a person think first that this was simply an AM transmission that was filtered through NFM mode. I am familiar with that occasional situation, and I know the sound. This was not the case, there was not that disembodied sound that makes you hear it and say "That's just not right". He was speaking in the clear, and certainly in the correct mode. The other option was that 265.2500 is in R.R. as Flt Satcom D - U.S.N. downlink. I am lacking a little knowledge about Satcom, but would think transmissions in the clear would be rare. Who is familiar with a Coast Guard 26 as a channel designation? I have been searching databases for a few days, and can't locate any Coast Guard activity for 265.2500.
( I just saw the caption under the Military Forum requesting that U.S.C.G. be posted there, my apologies, I simply missed that one....... )


Apr 3, 2011
Jacksonville FLORIDA
Thank you much for your help. I see toward the bottom of UHF Milsatcom that 265.2500 Mhz is listed as CONUS ch. 29. Sounds to me like it is a possibility the transmitter was looking for someone on 26 and simply selected the wrong channel. Does explain why there was no answer...…… Thanks again


Aug 22, 2014
municipality of great state of insanity
well i'll tell what i think it is and it's based on previous observations and a general assumption about coast guard comm capabilities. Unless i missed something that specifically points to deliberate satellite transmission, i would bet it was a screw up.

considering their various missions, the general vibe i have gotten is that the CG aircraft likely have a wider diversity of radio models for a wider variety of purposes, and from the looks of pics one finds of their A/C they are mostly fancy and new.

just in my little podunk neck-of-the woods, i have witnessed 5 or six times in less than five years, occasions where two parties, that normally don't train together, or very rarely, are trying to talk to each other on the same frequency, and i can hear both parties clearly while they can't. they can visually see each other and i can see both of them, but i am the only one who knows what both parties are saying. its not due to the fact that i am intelligent and extremely good looking, nor do i have magical abilities, but i do have two scanners. each programed with the same frequency. one set AM and the other to FM.

sometimes its quickly resolved, say they get close enough together that enough bleeds thru that someone figures it out. other times i am thinking, well, i guess i can call it a day cause nothings going to happen anytime soon at this rate.

the common threads i suspect are the cause of this is simply newer equipment often allows user to set the modulation and due to the factors already mentioned its just a mess up.

oh and btw alphafive, how nice of you to grace us with your presence again :) they let you out early for good behavior or something? :)
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