OK, I'm just the odd day here and day there SWL listener with two antennas. One is a MLA 30+, the other a long wire SWL Endfedz by Virbroplex. I just manually connect and disconnect these with a Coax feed line going into my basement office / sometimes "radio shack".
I've been using SDRplay Uno and a little bit of their newer SDR Connect both of which are great in my opinion.
Here is my dumb question:
I have very thin coax that was supplied with the MLA 30+ that seems to work just fine. However, the SWL Endfedz came with a length of RG 8x lead in.
Am I losing anything on the MLA 30+ by using the thin coax supplied or is there any real difference. My radios are about 25 to 30 feet away from the antennas outside of the concrete block basement wall.
And if you could, what is the difference between the thin coax and the RG8X in terms of it being used for SWL listening purposes.
Thanks in advance for any and all comments.
I've been using SDRplay Uno and a little bit of their newer SDR Connect both of which are great in my opinion.
Here is my dumb question:
I have very thin coax that was supplied with the MLA 30+ that seems to work just fine. However, the SWL Endfedz came with a length of RG 8x lead in.
Am I losing anything on the MLA 30+ by using the thin coax supplied or is there any real difference. My radios are about 25 to 30 feet away from the antennas outside of the concrete block basement wall.
And if you could, what is the difference between the thin coax and the RG8X in terms of it being used for SWL listening purposes.
Thanks in advance for any and all comments.