Lrmfa Codes
These codes you speak of are for medical responce calls. The codes are used to determine the response level and type of injuries. These codes are used by almost every agency in the entire state. Here they are below.
New Hampshire 911 Med Codes
Abdominal Pain / Problems
1-A-1 Abdominal pain
1-C-1 Males (age 35 and older)
1-C-2 Females (age 45 and older)
1-C-3 Not alert
1-C-4 Females with fainting (ages 12 to 50)
Allergies / Hives / Medical Reactions / Stings
2-A-1 No difficulty breathing or swallowing (rash, hives, or itching may be present)
2-B-1 Unknown symptoms (3rd party situation)
2-C-1 Difficulty breathing or swallowing
2-D-1 Severe respiratory distress
2-D-2 Not alert
2-D-3 Condition worsening
Animal Bites / Attacks
3-A-1 Superficial or minor bites
3-A-2 Spider or insect bites
3-B-1 Peripheral bites with serious hemorrhage
3-B-2 Unknown injuries (3rd party situation)
3-D-1 Severe central bites
3-D-2 Large carnivore
3-D-3 Zoo animal
3-D-4 Exotic animal
3-D-5 Any snake
3-D-6 Attacks or multiple animals
Assault / Rape
4-A-1 Not dangerous injuries
4-A-2 Non-recent injuries (six hours or more)
4-B-1 Possibly dangerous injuries
4-B-2 Serious hemorrhage
4-B-3 Unknown injuries (police not present)
4-D-1 Multiple victims
4-D-2 Dangerous injuries
4-D-3 Not alert
4-D-4 Abnormal breathing
Back Pain (Non-Traumatic)
5-A-1 Non-traumatic back pain
5-A-2 Non-recent traumatic back pain (six hours or more)
5-C-1 Fainting (age 50 and older and non-traumatic)
5-D-1 Not alert
Breathing Problems
6-C-1 Difficulty breathing
6-C-2 Asthma
6-C-3 Cardiac history
6-D-1 Severe respiratory distress
6-D-2 Not alert
6-D-3 Sweaty or changing color
Burns / Explosion
7-A-1 Small burns (less than 18 percent)
7-A-2 Sunburn or minor burns (hand size or less)
7-B-1 Unknown extent (3rd party situation)
7-C-1 Difficulty breathing
7-C-2 Large burns (18 percent or greater)
7-D-1 Multiple victims
7-D-2 Severe respiratory distress
7-D-3 Not alert
7-D-4 Explosion
Carbon Monoxide / Inhalation / HazMat
8-B-1 Alert and breathing normally
8-C-1 Alert with abnormal breathing
8-D-1 Multiple victims
8-D-2 Not alert
8-D-3 Hazmat
8-D-4 Unknown status (3rd party situation)
Cardiac / Respiratory Arrest
9-B-1 Obvious death situation (unquestionable)
9-D-1 Suspected cardiac arrest
9-D-2 Suspected respiratory arrest
Chest Pain
10-A-1 Normal breathing (age 34 and younger)
10-C-1 Normal breathing (age 35 and older)
10-C-2 Abnormal breathing
10-C-3 Cocaine
10-C-4 Cardiac history
10-D-1 Severe respiratory distress
10-D-2 Not alert
10-D-3 Sweaty or changing color
11-A-1 Not choking now (can talk or cry [for infant], is alert and breathing normally)
11-D-1 Choking
11-D-2 Abnormal breathing
11-D-3 Not alert
Convulsions / Seizures
12-A-1 Breathing now physically verified by caller
12-B-1 Age 34 and younger (breathing not verified)
12-C-1 Pregnancy
12-C-2 Trauma
12-C-3 Diabetic
12-C-4 Cardiac history
12-D-1 Continuous or multiple seizures
12-D-2 Age 35 and older (breathing not verified)
12-D-3 Not breathing (verified)
Diabetic Problems
13-A-1 Conscious and alert
13-C-1 Conscious but not alert
13-C-2 Conscious with abnormal breathing
13-D-1 Unconscious
Drowning (Near) / Diving Accident
14-A-1 Alert and breathing normally (no injuries and out of water)
14-B-1 Alert and breathing normally (injuries and/or in water)
14-B-2 Unknown status (3rd party situation)
14-C-1 Alert with abnormal breathing
14-D-1 Unconscious
14-D-2 Not breathing or underwater
14-D-3 Not alert and/or abnormal breathing
14-D-4 Suspected neck injury
14-D-5 Diving or SCUBA accident
15-C-1 Alert and breathing normally
15-D-1 Unconscious
15-D-2 Not disconnected from power
15-D-3 Power not off/hazard present
15-D-4 Not alert
15-D-5 Abnormal breathing
15-D-6 Long fall (six feet/two meters or more)
15-D-7 Unknown status (3rd party situation)
Eye Problems / Injuries
16-A-1 Moderate eye injuries
16-A-2 Minor eye injuries
16-B-1 Severe eye injuries
16-D-1 Not alert
Falls / Back Injuries (Traumatic)
17-A-1 Not dangerous injuries
17-A-2 Non-recent injuries (six hours or more)
17-B-1 Possibly dangerous injuries
17-B-2 Serious hemorrhage
17-B-3 Unknown injuries (3rd party situation)
17-D-1 Dangerous injuries
17-D-2 Long fall (six feet/two meters or more)
17-D-3 Not alert
17-D-4 Abnormal breathing
18-A-1 Headache only (without priority symptoms)
18-C-1 Not alert
18-C-2 Numbness or paralysis
18-C-3 Speech or movement problems
18-C-4 Sudden onset of severe pain
18-C-5 Recent head injury (24 hours or less)
Heart Problems
19-A-1 Heart rate less than 130 (without priority symptoms)
19-B-1 Unknown symptoms (3rd party situation)
19-C-1 Not alert
19-C-2 Cardiac history
19-C-3 Heart rate 130 or greater (without priority symptoms)
19-C-4 Cocaine
19-D-1 Firing of implanted defibrillator
Heat / Cold Exposure
20-A-1 Alert (without priority symptoms)
20-B-1 Change in skin color
20-B-2 Unknown symptoms (3rd party situation)
20-C-1 Cardiac history
20-D-1 Not alert
Hemorrhage / Lacerations
21-A-1 Not dangerous hemorrhage
21-B-1 Possibly dangerous hemorrhage
21-D-1 Dangerous hemorrhage
21-D-2 Not alert
21-D-3 Severe respiratory distress
Industrial / Machinery Accidents
22-B-1 Unknown illness or injuries (not caught in machinery)
22-D-1 Multiple victims
22-D-2 Trapped or caught in machinery (unknown injuries)
22-D-3 Life status questionable
Overdose / Ingestion / Poisoning
23-Omega-1 Conscious and alert (ages 1 through 11)
23-B-1 Conscious and alert (age less than 1 or 12 or older)
23-C-1 Not alert (unable to talk)
23-C-2 Abnormal breathing
23-C-3 Antidepressants (tricyclic)
23-C-4 Cocaine
23-C-5 Acid or lye (alkali)
23-C-6 Violent
23-D-1 Unconscious
23-D-2 Severe respiratory distress
Pregnancy / Childbirth / Miscarriage
24-A-1 1st trimester bleeding or miscarriage
24-A-2 Illness during pregnancy (without priority symptoms)
24-B-1 Labor (delivery not imminent -- 2nd and 3rd trimester)
24-B-2 Unknown pregnancy problem (3rd party situation)
24-C-1 2nd trimester bleeding or miscarriage
24-D-1 Baby born
24-D-2 Baby's head visible (crowning)
24-D-3 Imminent delivery (3rd trimester)
24-D-4 3rd trimester bleeding
24-D-5 Breech presentation
Psychiatric / Suicide Attempt
25-A-1 Non-violent and non-suicidal (alert)
25-B-1 Unknown symptoms (3rd party situation)
25-C-1 Not alert
25-C-2 Violent
25-C-3 Suicidal (threatening)
25-D-1 Hanging, strangulation, or suffocation
Sick Person (Specific Diagnosis)
26-A-1 No priority symptoms (complaint conditions 2-28 not identified)
26-A-2 thru 26-A-28 Non-priority complaints
26-B-1 Unknown symptoms (3rd party situation)
26-C-1 Not alert
26-C-2 Cardiac history (complaint conditions 2-28 not identified)
Stab / Gunshot Wound
27-A-1 Non-recent single peripheral wound (six hours or more)
27-B-1 Known single peripheral wound
27-B-2 Non-recent single central wound (six hours or more)
27-B-3 Unknown situation (3rd party)
27-D-1 Central wounds
27-D-2 Multiple victims
27-D-3 Not alert
27-D-4 Multiple wounds
Stroke (CVA)
28-A-1 Alert and breathing normally (numbness, speech or movement problems may be present)
28-B-1 Unknown symptoms (3rd party situation)
28-C-1 Not alert
28-C-2 Abnormal breathing
Traffic Accidents
29-A-1 1st party caller with not dangerous injuries
29-B-1 Injuries
29-B-2 Unknown situation (3rd party)
29-D-1 Multiple victims
29-D-2 Auto vs pedestrian / motorcycle / bike
29-D-3 Hazmat
29-D-4 Trapped victim
29-D-5 Ejected victim
29-D-6 Not alert
29-D-7 Severe respiratory distress
Traumatic Injuries, Specific
30-A-1 Not dangerous injuries
30-A-2 non-recent injuries (six hours or more)
30-B-1 Possibly dangerous injuries
30-B-2 Serious hemorrhage
30-D-1 Dangerous injuries
30-D-2 Severe respiratory distress
30-D-3 Not alert
Unconscious / Fainting (Non-Traumatic)
31-A-1 Single fainting episode and alert (age 34 and younger)
31-A-2 Near fainting episode and alert (age 34 and younger)
31-C-1 Single or near fainting episode and alert (age 35 and older)
31-C-2 Multiple fainting episodes
31-C-3 Females with abdominal pain (age 12 through 50)
31-C-4 Conscious with abnormal breathing
31-C-5 Cardiac history
31-D-1 Unconscious (at end of interrogation)
31-D-2 Severe respiratory distress
31-D-3 Not alert
Unknown Problem (Man Down)
32-B-1 Standing, sitting up, moving or talking
32-B-2 Medical alert notifications
32-B-3 Unknown situation (3rd party)
32-D-1 Life status questionable
A - Alpha - Non-emergency response incidents, no lights or siren.
B - Bravo - Less serious emergency run.
C - Charlie - Emergency that is somewhat more serious call.
D - "Delta" - Very serious calls requiring ALS
E - "Echo" - Most serious call requiring ALS
Jason Jasper