The correct names for the new 800 MHz nationwide mutual aid channels are:
1. 8CALL 90
2. 8TAC 91
3. 8TAC 92
4. 8TAC 93
5. 8TAC 94
There is a national standard for naming all of the mutual aid channels in VHF-Low Band, VHF High Band, UHF, 700 MHz and 800 MHz and all of the correct names are listed in the NIFOG. As agencies narrow band their VHF and UHF equipment and reband their 800 MHz equipment it is extremely important they drop any old channel names and start using the new ones to reduce confusion during multi-agency incidents and exercises.
I recommend you monitor all of these all of the time because you never know who might pop up on these, plus continue montoring the old ITAC Calling Channel and ITAC Channels 1 through 4 because many agencies still have these in their radios even if they have completed rebanding. Some agencies have indicated they are not going to remove the old ITAC frequencies until their FCC License for these frequencies expire.
There are also some federal interoperability frequencies for federal government agencies to use as well and local government agencies are not allowed to transmit on these frequencies unless working a joint incident with a federal agencies and have been authorized to do so by that federal agency. If you know what the frequencies are they might be good to listen to as well.