You might want to refer to the system planner. The RSSI value is what needs to be tightened up. Also for reliable talk back from a low power portable vs medium power mobile, you might want that portable forced to switch even sooner based on the decibel ratio of the erp of the portable vs mobile.
If you have access to TSB-88 you can calculate the specific expected signal level in dBm for the circuit merit desired . For example you might design for DAQ 3.4 but be OK with the roaming hand-off to occur when the signal corresponds to DAQ 3.0 which would be aggressive, or DAQ 2.0 which would be significantly degraded and less aggressive. However once you base these on talk out, you might need to tighten up further for portable talk back.
This can be all planned to the numbers with some calculations, but ultimately you may want to field test in different environments, such as rural versus urban.
Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk