Corpus Christi - Provoice?

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Sep 10, 2004
Have they switched over yet and I just completely didn't notice? Haven't been spending much time here or with my -94, and I seem to be having some problems using the frequencies listed for CC in the database here.


Aug 20, 2001
Nueces Co. TX
Patrol, Dispatch and traffic are analog as well as a few Patrol Tac and some special services ie JET ( juvenile enforcement team) channels. Most Special Services, CID etc are provoice. All units have provoice capabilities and those on analog do on occasion go to provoice for some brief communications. SO patrol, constable units and Robstown are primarily analog. FD/EMS are analog as are city services. So far there's still something to listen to.


Sep 10, 2004
Well, that's somewhat reassuring. On my PRO-94, I've got all the freqs for each section in banks 1-3, and the trunking option is apparently not working. Pretty sure I set up the trunk type correctly when I first did this a long time ago... what else besides that might be causing the problem, any ideas?

Thanks much.


Aug 20, 2001
Nueces Co. TX
Have you checked to make sure the freqs you have are the ones in the current RR DB ? I think they may have added some freqs you don't have or could you possibly have the systems in as Moto? There is a new(3rd)tower site in Flour Bluff and a 4th site to be up in the Calallen area fairly soon. But I guess if you have three banks you know all this. I just programmed a Pro 97 this weekend with the RRDB and it's working well. San Patricio Co is mostly Aegis and Kleberg Co is all provoice. CCPD is managing both adjoining counties. The city/ Nueces Co. use the joint comm center and apparently bought into the Nextel rebanding, even though there was no cell phone interference. I think that they believed that they could get a brand new 700 MHz Provoice system out of it and that's not the case. The Nextel bunch wants to give them used moto systems equipment. So things are pretty much up in the air with the city comm budget is stretched to the limit.


Sep 10, 2004
Yes sir, they're current as of this morning. I didn't check to see that I correctly specified the trunking type when I did this a long time ago, since all I did earlier today was go through and make sure I had all the listed freqs for each site.

Didn't know that San Pat was Aegis (or that Kleberg was Provoice); as far as the former goes, I still don't have a digital scanner. :(

Will definitely check this out when I get home tonight; thanks for your help. Wonder how long we'll actually be able to listen...


Sep 10, 2004
Turns out I was apparently using the search vs. scan functions incorrectly, so it's working to some extent now.

Maybe I'm still doing something wrong, though; when searching by one site over the other, it often seems like I'm missing bits of the conversation. I have it set up basically like the DB shows, with bank 1 being Robstown, bank 2 (51-65) as Shoreline, and bank 3 (101-110, which I'm listening to now) as Flour Bluff. Searching through FB only, it sounds as if some parts of things are missing; what's that all about?

Apologies if I'm asking a stupid / obvious question, I'm not yet the most up to speed person in the world on this sort of thing.

(Additionally - on the smaller lists, like for some surrounding sheriff use, there's one freq listed in green, one input, but under the license info, there are several more frequencies. Should those others be put in the same bank or do I just need to list the sole one in green? As you can see, I'm a little new to this :p )
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Aug 20, 2001
Nueces Co. TX
Shoot!, ask away but I'm far from being knowledgeable in all this...Well, they are still having trouble with coverage even with 3 sites. Hence the soon to be fourth site. I have noticed that the FB site seems to have more problems than Shoreline or Robstown/Violet. Listening yesterday I noticed a lot of dropped signals with units and dispatch requesting repeated transmissions due to bad reception. They are still a number of dead spots.

As for the area VHF, I usually put in the repeater out put frequencies and if I have room the input freqs. Using a my old AOR 8000 and an external antenna I can get Live Oak Co, Bee Co, Jim Wells, Rockport/Aransas Co, Port A. and sometimes Refugio and Goliad counties but the last 2 only on repeater output freqs of course. DPS here hasn't switched to digital yet but it's coming.. but in my case I find that it will be hard to justify the expense of getting a digital scanner just for them.

I don't recall if the Pro 94 has mil-air but there is a lot of that to listen to here. I heard one of the T-34's distress calls before he bellied in off Yorktown Rd in Jan. Which if CCPD/Nueces Co does go all ProVoice then that's about all I'll hear in Corpus is Mil Air since even a digital scanner won't receive ProVoice or Aegis..I have been assured that even if CCPD goes all ProVoice that the dispatch will remain analog.. but things do change over time and i wouldn't bank on it.

Just as a side note, you can get CCPD on the Ingleside(San Pat system) Edacs site, and DPS-THP unit to unit chatter and some San Pat Co. VFD traffic are on the San Pat system( these aren't Aegis transmissions.)
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Aug 20, 2001
Nueces Co. TX
Veri, I meant to mention that you may want to pick up a final copy of Police Call 2005. Lots of folks say it's obsolete and it is to some degree but with respect to those outlying counties I find it easier to look them up in Police Call rather than scrolling thru the FCC license info. It's the same basic info. I think they are about $10 now, were about $20. Try the Radio Shack at Everhart and Alameda, they're going out of business and may have some at an even better price. Just a suggestion


South Texas DB Admin
Jul 16, 2001
Ingleside TX
I heard some SS TAC transmissions in the clear this weekend. They did keep switching in and out of digital modes when discussing sensitive info.


Aug 20, 2001
Nueces Co. TX
Larry, I did too. I was thinking it was a JET unit , don't remember.. However yesterday I heard PD-01 and PD-03 in an analog conversation as well as some radio tech chatter about using a Sprint connection for one unit's MDT, the rest were said to be thru the radio , simplex I believe.

Anyone have an idea if CCPD uses I-Call, none of my scanners have that ability.
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