I-95 Corridor
Eh, I wouldn't say GSP is the "BEST" ones to monitor personally. Mainly because 8 out of 10 times you won't hear the mobile units, especially if your going to use that 396XT with the rubber duck. All the counties in SE GA patrol the I-95 corridor, as do some of the local police dept's. Especially here in Camden County. You rarely see GSP on I-95 but then there are times that they are here. I would definately put in GSP as well as all the other counties in GA for your trip through.
In Camden, just make sure you put in both the County S/O as well as Kingsland PD, since I-95 runs through Kingsland, and KPD does like to shoot radar on I-95
Camden S/O repeater is 159.165
Kingsland PD repeater is 155.115
Both on the same tower, running 110watts at 350 feet. You can hear them well into Brunswick/Glynn County.
Enjoy your trip!
73, Pete