County Roads in Northern/Northeastern CO.

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Premium Subscriber
Mar 22, 2007
Lewistown, Montana
The county roads in Northern/NorthEastern Colorado are in in tough shape, ie some are passable and have been plowed numerous times since Wednesday the first day of this storm.
Some roads are IMPASSABLE as they have drifted in. Since the wind has been blowing up here for 36 hours straight and we are talking 15 mph to gust as high as 55mph alot of the county roads are impassable. Drifts in the range of 3 to 4 feet deep and 20 to 30 yards long.
Visibility in some areas is limited to the blowing snow/dirt.

If your headed out into the Northern or NorthEastern part of the state be prepared, with shovels, tire chains,
cell phone, warm clothing, etc.

I know first hand as I got stuck in large drift just about 1 mile from my home, couldn't see it till I got to far
into it, due to the visibility.

73, Rex
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