This last week I found a few interesting tidbits via CloseCall. I use a 996P2 in the car dedicated almost entirely to CloseCall just for this purpose.
462.5250, PL 100.0, USPS Post Office on Bell Road in Surprise for inside comms, all portables and apparently no license.
462.1250, PL 69.3, used by what appears to be an ATV club or something. I came across them in my neighborhood (an isolated area surrounded for 15 miles in any direction by desert). A couple of minutes later I found 3 4WD hi-rise trucks following each other chatting about nothing as they drove thru the neighborhood.
145.5000, CSQ, used by what appears to be hunters or a construction crew. Since my area is still in development and construction it very well could be one of the crews there. Obviously not hams!
The first (Post Office) were using Motorola CP200 or similar radios while the second and third appeared to be Baofeng types.
462.5250, PL 100.0, USPS Post Office on Bell Road in Surprise for inside comms, all portables and apparently no license.
462.1250, PL 69.3, used by what appears to be an ATV club or something. I came across them in my neighborhood (an isolated area surrounded for 15 miles in any direction by desert). A couple of minutes later I found 3 4WD hi-rise trucks following each other chatting about nothing as they drove thru the neighborhood.
145.5000, CSQ, used by what appears to be hunters or a construction crew. Since my area is still in development and construction it very well could be one of the crews there. Obviously not hams!
The first (Post Office) were using Motorola CP200 or similar radios while the second and third appeared to be Baofeng types.