Couple of questions

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Feb 8, 2017
Wood Co. Ohio
Was playing around with my old uniden a few weeks ago and started reading on how to listen to local osp and sheriff. Sheriff switched to DMR on 154.725 and simulcast over analog 151.115. I hear them on my scanner on 151.115 with a home build dipole antenna mounted outside.
I bought a sdr dongle and downloaded sdrsharp and DSD+ and hear them on 154.725. I thought I was missing somethings on the uniden , sometimes on a traffic stop I don't hear dispatch call back with the driver info. But after listing to them with the sdr on 154.725 it is the same.
Why do I hear dispatch reply with info sometimes and not others?

Listening to the sdr without using DSD+ audio is fine on analog frequencies, but when listing thru DSD+ it is choppy. What settings do I need to adjust for this?

I read about usnig 1 sdr dongle instead of 2 to listen to trunked traffic. I want to listen to osp. I've had no luck.
According to the database there is a tower in Bradner which is less than 10 miles away, but when I use sdrsharp to look for the control channels there is nothing there. I tried Hancock county which is not too far away and don't see anything either.

I have spent hours reading and trying to figure things out.
I am using a older laptop for this with windows 7.
I'm trying to figure out how to listen with the dongle and software, I can't afford to buy a scanner now.
Thanks for any help and info.
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