This was, by FAR, the absolute most fun I've had since acquiring my ticket. 10 meters was absolutely off the hook this weekend. Most of my contacts were on Saturday (obviously since I was out most of Easter Sunday) but even with very limited time (between 12:10 EST and 16:32 EST, on and off) and maybe an hour this Easter morning, I worked 32 contacts and 11 countries. Oddly, all were in South America/Caribbean region. I tried going on tonight but got back from Easter dinner too late for any decent propagation. It was awesome to hear all the callsigns out there. Stations were stacked up like a train wreck. One station that I had trouble dialing in on was transceiving in both Upper and Lower sideband. Same callsign but with different operators. There were as many as 4 stations smashed together in a single mHz making pinpointing any particular station a challenge. I would have logged over 40 stations but I missed about 8 during QSO. Some contestants had already logged over 2000+ QSO's in just the first few hours. PX5E out of Brazil had me as contact # 2,004 as of 13:31 EST on Saturday. I worked Argentina, Aruba, Barbados, Brazil, Costa Rica, Honduras, Puerto Rica, Suriname, Uruguay, Venzuela and the Virgin Islands.
I can't wait for the next one.
I can't wait for the next one.