Creating a P25 Capable Server for MMDVM Use


Premium Subscriber
May 20, 2020
I'm new to the Pi-Star world (awaiting account activation on the forums). I have a friend who is just outside of Simplex Range, and we have no digital repeaters in between us.

I purchased a pre-built MMDVM hotspot running Pi-Star for us both, and I was hoping that someone could check my proposed setup. I should note, that for now I do not want to use Brandmeister, I'd like to try to roll my own solution. I have 15 years in IT, 10 of which as a Systems Administrator so I feel like I can tackle this, so long as I understand the concepts.

Is this as simple as (and I doubt it is):

1. A Pi-Star MMDVM at each of our locations, this is what I bought:
2. I program each of our radios (XTS5000) to the appropriate frequency of the hotspot
3. I install the P25 reflector software on a VPS or in my own home server farm: / Ref:
4. Configure the talk group on my server side
5. Configure the P25 Hosts file on the hotspot with my TGID, IP, and Port that match my server settings
6. Configure the talk groups in the radio to be used on the hotspot channel. Ref:
7. We key up and talk to each other using P25 over the Internet via the hotspot. No physical P25 repeater required.

So my question is, what did I miss, how wrong is this, and if I am way off base, how can I accomplish what I'd like to do? Ultimately, I'd like to host a public server if possible for people to use via Brandmeister and give back to the community, but for now, I need to understand and develop the management concepts first before offering services out to a wider group of people.

I also want to note that because neither of us have any DMR/MotoTrbo capable devices at this time, I'd like to stick with P25 through Pi-Star until such a time when we can both procure a proper DMR HT.

TIA for any advice, and direction.