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Cross-band repeater HT's, Wouxun KG-UV8D and Puxing PX-UV973

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Nov 29, 2010
Raleigh, North Carolina
I'm looking for a way to extend the range of my HT, which are 2 Baofeng UV-B5's during public service events and for nets on the local repeaters without spending $3-400 for a mobile radio with cross-band capability.

I have a Mirage linear dual band amplifier and field portable operations with dual band antenna's and power supply.

The requirement is to provide VHF-UHF and UHF-VHF duplex cross-band operation that will work with repeater offsets and tone, and provide tone filtering for local simplex to prevent unwanted local traffic being transmitted on a net.

I've been looking at the Radio-Tone Cross Band Repeater Controller, but that will require tying up two handhelds with the accompanying power requirements.

There are two HT's which provide cross-band repeat, but I don't know if they'll work with repeater offsets and tone, and provide tone filtering for local simplex. These HT's are Wouxun KG-UV8D and Puxing PX-UV973.

Does anyone have any experience with either of these HT's? Any thoughts or comments?




DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Both of these radios will have a very low duty cycle due to heat issues when in cross band mode. Be careful.

That said, I have the Puxing and it will do what you want (repeater w/PL on one side, simplex with different PL on the other side).

Good luck!


Nov 29, 2010
Raleigh, North Carolina
That's the nice thing about the linear amp, I can use low power and still generate respectable output.

The Radio Tone repeater controller would resolve the heat sink issues, splitting the work up between two HT transceivers, however, I really don't want to have 3 devices with separate power requirements. Although, I have considered taking the DC accessory connector for a battery eliminator, and wiring it with Anderson power pole connectors. That may still be an option. The Radio Tone comes with a DC adapter, but I don't know if it's a wall wart, or what.

Between the Wouxun KG-UV8D and Puxing PX-UV973, I've read better reviews on the Wouxon. Thanks for the reply on the Puxing. I may go with it for the lower cost.
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