Built a crystal radio a few years ago and never did much with it. Even though my ears are pretty good for an old guy, the tiny earpiece provided very little audio and was annoying to use.
However, recently got the set out of storage and added a Velleman K7000 signal tracer kit as an audio amp. Now a purist may be appalled at this but it makes for a much more comfortable listening experience. The best part is that formerly barely audible signals can now be heard loud enough to drive a speaker. Much to my amazement, many of these signals are DX. For example, the following stations were heard here recently at my QTH north of Detroit:
WLW 700 Cincinnati OH
WGN 720 Chicago IL
WMVP 1000 Chicago IL
KDKA 1020 Pittsburg PA
WBZ 1030 Boston MA
WHO 1040 Des Moines IA
KYW 1060 Philadelphia PA
WTAM 1100 Cleveland OH
KMOX 1120 St. Louis MO
WRVA 1140 Richmond VA
WHAM 1180 Rochester NY
WCKY 1530 Cincinnati OH
Also at least a dozen locals can be heard anytime day or night.
This of course is a rather unconventional topic but does anyone else do any listening with a crystal set?
However, recently got the set out of storage and added a Velleman K7000 signal tracer kit as an audio amp. Now a purist may be appalled at this but it makes for a much more comfortable listening experience. The best part is that formerly barely audible signals can now be heard loud enough to drive a speaker. Much to my amazement, many of these signals are DX. For example, the following stations were heard here recently at my QTH north of Detroit:
WLW 700 Cincinnati OH
WGN 720 Chicago IL
WMVP 1000 Chicago IL
KDKA 1020 Pittsburg PA
WBZ 1030 Boston MA
WHO 1040 Des Moines IA
KYW 1060 Philadelphia PA
WTAM 1100 Cleveland OH
KMOX 1120 St. Louis MO
WRVA 1140 Richmond VA
WHAM 1180 Rochester NY
WCKY 1530 Cincinnati OH
Also at least a dozen locals can be heard anytime day or night.
This of course is a rather unconventional topic but does anyone else do any listening with a crystal set?
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