CSV Error?

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Jun 19, 2006
Nevils, GA
Has anyone successfully imported RadioReference CSV data files to an
Icom IC-Q7A HT via the TK7 or any other app?

We are getting a message saying there is an error in the CSV data file.

The CSV files are of several counties here in central Florida including
Hernando, Pinellas, Pasco, Citrus, Polk, Lake, and Orange.

Every one of them is flagged as containing errors.

The specific error is:

"Invalid Mode WPKC993"

The are commas prior to and following so it does not seem to be the
result of a missing comma delimiter.

Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e


Feb 10, 2004
Grand Blanc, MI
CSV files are not a unversal format for all software apps. Each one wants data in a particular order. The CSV file format was put here to work with spreadsheet programs, mostly to cut and paste, unless you want to write your own app. to convert the data to the order your radio program wants. The order the data in the CSV file is the order that the data appears in the database - for the CSV files from this site to be able to work with all the different software apps they would have to have been written just for this site.


Jun 19, 2006
Nevils, GA
seamusg said:
CSV files are not a unversal format for all software apps. Each one wants data in a particular order. The CSV file format was put here to work with spreadsheet programs, mostly to cut and paste, unless you want to write your own app. to convert the data to the order your radio program wants. The order the data in the CSV file is the order that the data appears in the database - for the CSV files from this site to be able to work with all the different software apps they would have to have been written just for this site.

OK, so I need to know the order for the Icom IC-Q7A and then just rearrange them ... deleting the Alpha
tags since the Q7A doesn't handle those.

Is there a way to maintain the Alpha Tags in the file without them causing a problem for the Q7A?

Sure would be good not to lose that descriptive information on the PC ... or do I need to maintain two
files, one with the tags and one without for upload to the Q7A?

Thanks! doc


Feb 10, 2004
Grand Blanc, MI
kd4e said:
OK, so I need to know the order for the Icom IC-Q7A and then just rearrange them ... deleting the Alpha
tags since the Q7A doesn't handle those.

Is there a way to maintain the Alpha Tags in the file without them causing a problem for the Q7A?

Sure would be good not to lose that descriptive information on the PC ... or do I need to maintain two
files, one with the tags and one without for upload to the Q7A?

Thanks! doc
You'll most likely have to do more than delete the Alpha tag, since it contains the Call Sign (that's where your program was flagging an error) and if it's a repeater or simplex and PL information. CSV files are the oldest and most common form of data files ie. INI files are usually in CSV format. It takes a lot of work to edit a CSV file to another data layout.
1. You must know what order your software wants the data in
2. You must change the file to that order, with nothing else in it.
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