154.280 appreas to be used by Cumberland.
154.280 is listed in NIFOG for interop as VFIRE21.
When programmed for interop, 156.7 is the NIFOG suggested PL tone.
Question here is when Cumberland broadcasts, are they using this or any other tone?
Cumberland COunty has been using this frequency as an intercounty coordination frequency for years. Counties in the southcentral PA area use this in the same same manner that counties in MD do. Comm centers will coordinate dispatches and mutual aid requests for fire/ems.
I have heard Chester Co, Lancaster Co, York Co, Cumberland Co, and Dauphin Co talking to neighboring counties in both PA and MD. After Montgomery Co (PA) vacated the frequency for day to day fire traffic in the Philly area, counties out this way started using it as a comm center coordination channel, too. It really only served as a back up, though, until the SECOM microwave network was installed in the metro Philly area. It does not get used around Philly the same way it does west of there. With the exception of Chester (who transmitted a 71.9 PL), I do not recall seeing any PL's transmitted. Now that the NIFOG guidelines are becoming more well known, perhaps this will change, or perhaps not.