Cushcraft R-9

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Jun 15, 2016
hanson, ma
After searching for several months for a multiband vertical, I began to look at the Cushcraft R-9. I found a number of reviews on it but they were either disappointing or incomplete with only a few extoling the virtues of this antenna. I wanted to have a vertical multiband with no ground radials for our club Field Day up high in the air and not on the ground. This is the tallest of all 80M thru 10M verticals. This is the antenna for the job! The R-9 assembled easily over several days with some patients and scrutinizing of the manual. The antenna was installed on an 18 foot long car trailer with a winch, a base hinge and an aluminum 20 foot tower. Six feet of 2” multi-wall mast connects the antenna to the tower. Two sets of guy lines on the tower and above the vertical traps keep things aligned during wind gusts. This is a must have!
The Cushcraft R-9 was a match on all bands right out of the box by following the assembly instructions carefully! I used Vernier calipers in two sizes to set it up. I made no adjustments to this antenna. All bands, 80, 40, 20, and ten were close to 1 to 1.1 and less than two. The analyzer arrives tomorrow to finalize tuning but so far I have enjoyed all good contacts from eastern USA, Canada, Saint Croy and Italy. I have used a 270’ Buckmaster 9 band OCF dipole for years and an ongoing A/B comparison shows the R-9 equaling or surpassing the Buckmaster on 40M and 20M. The R-9 excels on 10M and is a couple of Db’s below the Buckmaster on 75/80M. I have yet to try 6M, 12M, 15M, 17M, and 30M. This is a great antenna overall and it truly works on all the main bands so far. Stay tuned for the results on the other bands. Mark, KC1ACF


May 25, 2004
Northeast Ohio
I don't see you bragging about the R-9 on 80/75M, and I doubt that you will until you put down some ground radials or a counterpoise. The center of radiation of that antenna is NOT at the top, so buying the tallest radiator you could find was an unnecessary compromise. However, the goal for Field Day SHOULD BE to work lots of stations at varying distances on different bands and using multiple modes. All these contribute to improving your club's operator skills and experience while on congested frequencies. Oldtimers call it "sharpening your ears and brain."


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
If the R9 is anything like the R7 its a ground independent antenna and I believe a half wave end fed with traps or similar. A half wave end fed will have maximum current and radiation somewhere in the middle and not at the top or bottom.
Adding ground radials would throw off the match and you would probably have to start from scratch on length adjustments and changing the internal matching transformer.

I don't see you bragging about the R-9 on 80/75M, and I doubt that you will until you put down some ground radials or a counterpoise. The center of radiation of that antenna is NOT at the top, so buying the tallest radiator you could find was an unnecessary compromise. However, the goal for Field Day SHOULD BE to work lots of stations at varying distances on different bands and using multiple modes. All these contribute to improving your club's operator skills and experience while on congested frequencies. Oldtimers call it "sharpening your ears and brain."


Jun 15, 2016
hanson, ma
Originally Posted by Karl-NVW View Post
I don't see you bragging about the R-9 on 80/75M, and I doubt that you will until you put down some ground radials or a counterpoise. The center of radiation of that antenna is NOT at the top, so buying the tallest radiator you could find was an unnecessary compromise. However, the goal for Field Day SHOULD BE to work lots of stations at varying distances on different bands and using multiple modes. All these contribute to improving your club's operator skills and experience while on congested frequencies. Oldtimers call it "sharpening your ears and brain."

Hi Karl, NVW,
Please go to the Whitman Amateur radio Club website. Please go to our latest newsletter. Here you will see my Cushcraft R-9 mounted on a tip-up tower with the R-9 base 25 feet up at the WARC field day. It worked very well both for me and the club. I shared the antenna and everyone had good results on 20, 40 and 80 meters. I made 39 contects on the bands mentioned. My main assigned band was 20 meters but the band was difficult. I made a number of contacts on 40 and 80 as well. This antenna is used at my QTH with great results on 40 and 80 meters. Please do not lecture this "old timer" on how to enjoy field day. Please visit my QRZ page. Thanks, Mark, KC1ACF. 73's
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