I spent a few minutes last night talking to a Customs agent who passed through my workplace. I mentioned how little activity I see in Oklahoma regarding Customs and Border Patrol and asked him about it. I mentioned that there was a large population of illegal immigrants in Oklahoma and that it surprised me that there wasn't a greater presence of these agents. I want to say right here that I do not want this thread to become an immigration thread. I do want to pass along the information he gave me, however, because it has some impact on our radio monitoring. He said that basically there are 3 guys in OKC, 3 guys in Tulsa, and 1 guy elsewhere in the state. That's it. 7 agents. He said that BP is mostly (uh, duh) at the border (which also doesn't surprise me as I think I heard they are bringing in the National Guard due to lack of agents). Customs at this point is not taking the illegal immigrant thing very seriously and apparently doesn't have the manpower to support it at this point. So that should explain why we just don't hear any activity over Customs except for some air traffic over the state on Net 1 (165.2375 - 100.0 PL). Just thought I'd pass this info along. Please don't start arguing about immigration.