Can anyone tell me about CW1NY? Is this something reputable and is it still used?
...did you click the link?What exactly is this...?
...did you click the link?
and the following page of words just below the landing page didn't pop up? I mean, most companies don't freely broadcast their business plan or their accounts recievable on their home page, (esp 501-c3s)...but this seems to be a pretty good description of what they do...Yes, I clicked the link, thank you.
s this a fire buff thing or a radio-based incident notification network? Paid service? How do they make their money if at all?
Ah. Weird that you went there with that. Everything ok?@a417 Your attitude is neither appreciated or warranted. I am not criticizing the service in any way, quite the opposite as I think it is a very interesting concept. I am simply asking a question about what the day-to-day purpose of this service is.
Ah. Weird that you went there with that. Everything ok?
I did not say in any way that you were criticizing the service. If you can prove to me otherwise, feel free to PM me so that this conversation doesn't drag the thread further off topic. I was concerned that you didn't go to the link and read the mission statement and declaration on the front page of it.
@radioman2001 and @ten13 Thanks for providing useful replies.
I hear them on 461.225 PL 167.9 on occasion
I can easily hit the repeater but I think I am too far away to be useful. It used to be enjoyable to monitor for sure. Everyone highly professional. I haven't monitored the 453.000 freq in a while. Maybe I'll put it back ion the scan lineup. Not sure if it is still active.Maybe they just need some fresh blood to pump more calls outs?
I think it would be cool paired with citizen app. Or NYCFireWire.
I’d love to see it repurposed rather then fade out