Dallas INOP

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Feb 24, 2001
OK so everyone in North Texas heard the amazing Chase with Collin County, DPD DPS and who ever else, rite? Personally, I did not .. I was gaming with Head-phones on and Not Listening to the Scanner's ..

However, it seems there were SERIOUS problems With Communications between Dallas Agencies, DPS and CCSO. Mobiles, Dispatch and Air Assets through out the ordeal.

I can't understand why the Nations No.: 1 City for high crime can't communicate with its smaller cities and close counties. The Fact that DPD Patrol Units don't have NPSPAC access or even Intercity is histerical and Scarry. its Sad a Hostage Stand-off/Chase had to gets Dallas's attention, Thankfully, No One was Killed.

at about 2:00 am this morning, I actually heard DPD Channel-2 being Simualcast over DPS Inter-City 155.3700. is this Dallas's 9/11 and Finally the City will find the Money to put togeather a REAL Emergency Inter-Op radio plan?

Just my Comments .. Supprised no one else has posted on it yet?
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
City of Dallas

I'd love to be "a fly on the wall" at the next NCTCOG Interoperability Meeting to hear the post-mortum.

Notice the DPD CP vehicle following behind the main pursuit force....they have some INOP capability in that vehicle so most comms were being relayed 2nd hand from the CP to other agencies.

This is what happens when you're UHF and almost everyone else is 800/VHF along the route. (yes. . ... I know that some PD is on City of Dallas 800 Type II.....but they don't cover Tarrant County very well)

Great shooting by the DPS marksmen on the bridge W of 820 with the .50 bolt action. 2 nice bullet holes in the hood just right of centerline and in the right spot to punch the radiator.

Big cahones on the DPS black/n/whites' officers peppering the drive tires and diesel tanks.

You just knew that once the tractor/trailer was in an isolated area along I20, then the moving part of the equation would be nullified.

The spectators along the route. . . . .the scariest part about the whole incident.

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Feb 24, 2001
Channel-8 http://www.wfaa.com had some Remarkable Raw Footage of the Deal when they were in South Dallas and the Kid was yelling "thats my brother" along with the Team coverage and the Arrest footage, it is a Very good Video.

I Know DPS, DPD and FWPD have INOP so the Air Assests probobly had a good handle on the situation. But I still think its time for Dallas to Step up to bat, and Incorporate some effort in Communications so Patrol can talk to Who ever they need to in an Emergency and vise versa. heck, for that matter DF&R aswell.


Dec 19, 2002
North Texas
I picked up the chase when it hit Dallas PD channel 5 and listened from there.

I would love to be a fly on the wall at the next NCTCOG meeting myself.

Y'all gotta remember that Dallas is still using Spectras and Sabers out on the street. Neither of those radios is manufactured any longer. I've seen a few Dallas officers with Vertex handhelds of some kind. Not sure what they are doing as far as new mobiles.

Dallas is not unique in not going to 800. Most of the major cities are still on UHF-- Houston, LA, Chicago, NYC, Boston etc.

UHF is simpler than 800 trunking and generally has better coverage with those 350 watt ERP repeaters and remote receivers.

It works real well for Dallas, They were way over in Fort Worth and were still able to talk to dispatch in Dallas with no issues besides the jamming moron playing rap music and otherwise being an imbecile. I hope I was not the only one hearing that **** and feeling a fox hunt coming on.

I hope the jammer gets caught and enjoys a nice long stay at Lucky Lew's and a sizable fine from the FCC.

I suspect that between the interop issues and the malicious interference issues, something is going to be done. What exactly, I am not sure. It will be interesting to see.

DPS always gets the job done. As soon as they got involved I knew we'd see the truck stopped with the use of some fine shooting. This is not the first time I have seen the Texas Department of Public Safety take care of business in that manner.

Hats off to ALL of the law enforcement in that chase yesterday. I have nothing but respect for Collin SO, Plano PD, Dallas PD, Grand Prairie PD, Arlington PD, Fort Worth PD, Parker SO and DPS-- they were all consummate professionals, despite the fact they couldn't necessarily talk to each other.

The bad guy is 10-95 and the hostage was scared bad but not hurt.


Feb 24, 2001
CCSO have been working the Investigation (Still) on Filed Op's. up in Fairview. WFAA Has some remarkable Media footage of the ordeal.

As for Dallas City Communications, true the UHF system they have works. However with DSO on VHF as some of the smaller towns to the south. Most all Tarrant Co. on 800 and all Northern and Northeast Cities on 800, Wylie jumping to UHF-LTR DPS on Digital VHF Some sort of Inter-operability measure has to be constructed. And yeas, I hope they Catch the feller who thought it funny to Dead Key rap music over Public Safety radios during a life and death Critical situation. I really hope it turns out to be a fellow Disgrunted Officer.

DPD COVERT use a "bubba" MTX-2000 or the like for their Covert operations on the Dallas 800 system and have NPSPAC 1 thru 5 in them aswell. Had a few Covert units got into the Chase on 800 Mutual Aid, they could have Given good Info to CCSO units. As for DPS, my understanding is Dallas DPS units don't have 800 Only Collin & Denton units.

A Great Solution to the Lack of Localized emergency communications might include Every single Police Agency in Dallas, Kaufman, Rockwall, Tarrant, Johnson, Ellis, Denton & Collin Counties to share license a Single or Multipul set of Frequencies in a SINGLE BAND Like VHF. And put that radio in every squad car in the region. or have Cross Band repeaters in each and every vehicle that would utilize the system. For Dallas the Cost of Vehicular Cross band repeaters is way less than out fitting every car with 800Mhz. 800 using afencies might suffor a crunch to transfer to vhf. but whether its a Cross band repeater or another radio in the car. its an option which should have happened a long time ago. and Might Save lives in the future.

Yeah! GO DPS! Some Fine Shooting there, but what If SWAT on the other side of the vehicle saw something that might have put the Hostages life in Serious jepordy, DPD SWAT caouldn't easily pass the Critical Info to DPS before DPS fired and Accidently Killed someone else. Fortunatly it didn't happen, and DPS saved the day!

Anyways. Cya all after the Next one!


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Arlington, TX

We can't entirely blame the command staff at DPD for their indecision. Should they have given the go ahead to disable the truck, either by firing a .50 cal. bullet through the engine block, or doing what DPS ultimately did, the City would have been sued by the owner of the truck for the damages and probably would have had to ultimately pay out. And heaven forbid anyone had been hit by a stray bullet, the media, and the civil courts would have had a feeding frenzy. The State of Texas is a much harder to sue than a big city with imbicles in their legal departments who can't defend their way out of a wet paper bag! We also can't blame the Chief for not wanting to violate department deadly force policy, even though he is the Chief and can ultimately make an exception to any policy under unique circumstances. If taking a 80,000 lb fully loaded 18-wheeled truck down the highway, without tires, is not considered directing deadly force against the public is behond my comprehension. Simple fact folks, society has allowed this problem to happen by condoning the appointment of federal judges who believe that prisoners have more rights than their victims, that drunk drivers who kill people should only receive a slap on the wrist. That "motorists" who evade police, then refuse to surrender become instant "heros" against the alledged plethora of rampant, unchecked police brutality and racial profiling. That illegal imigrants who break our laws should not be instantly deported As far as I'm concerned, society is getting exactly what they deserve. There are 4 million + criminals in jail today in the United States, our "me, me, me" society needs to wake the heck up and smell the coffee. The pandemonium you saw on TV was created by only one idiot with a handgun, imagine the pandemonium and indecision that would occur if a highly intelligent individual or group with a well defined plan and mission stirred up trouble.
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