PRO-97 vs PRO-164
Anyone know the difference between the two or which is the better unit ?
There are a lot of threads here on RR related to this exact question.
The PRO-164, which is the same as the GRE branded PSR-300, is an updated PRO-97. The radio portion is nearly identical, the LCD display was upgraded, and the CPU was changed. The new CPU allows for field upgraded firmware. The new display incorporates an "S meter". The '164/'300 can receive in the 700 MHz band.
If you want to monitor an 800 MHz MOtorola type TRS, you might end up requiring the '164/'300. If you are monitoring EDACS or LTR only, then the '97 will work just fine.
The PRO-97 can be programmed using the COM version cable or the USB version cable; the '164/'300 requires the USB version cable. You can probably find a PRO-97 out there for about half of the typical cost of a PRO-164.