Your radio is a DMR digital radio, and will not do P25 digital. So if any agency is using the SIRN state system you cannot use that radio. At first look everything looks to be analog and all the frequencies and tones are in the database:
Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Fayette County, West Virginia (WV)
Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Raleigh County, West Virginia (WV)
However after looking at the SIRN database page, both counties have talkgroups on the SIRN system, Raleigh more than Fayette but both nonetheless. You cannot use a personally owned radio on that system and will need to be issued one via the authorized entities.
WV SIRN: West Virginia Statewide Interoperable Radio Network Trunking System Profile
Do you have experience programming radios in a public safety setting? Do you, personally, (not just your dept) have permission from the FCC licensees to operate on their frequencies? Do you know if they require a unique identifier number to be transmitted with each transmission? Do you know the difference between simplex and repeater operation? If you can't answer yes to all of those questions, you should consider going through your department leadership and have a qualified and authorized radio shop do the programming. You can cause issues for yourself and interfere with others because as the saying goes, "you don't know what you don't know".