It's great that the 996 has this capability but I wonder if anyone has some input concerning how I can utilize the 996 in place of my FM Band radio presently in the only available slot in my dashboard. I believe the 996 will receive the FM Band which is ok but can it scan in the background and when a transmission is captured, mute the FM Band and allow the audio to play thru? It's the only question I have concerning the installation in my car in place of the FM Band radio. Or, failing that, any ideas for a workaround?
The DIN E Sleeve is a great security improvement when mounting expensive equipment in your car, and I suppose I could mount the FM Band radio outboard-it being the cheaper piece of gear, but what a neat installation it would be if I only needed to run one radio instead of two...
The DIN E Sleeve is a great security improvement when mounting expensive equipment in your car, and I suppose I could mount the FM Band radio outboard-it being the cheaper piece of gear, but what a neat installation it would be if I only needed to run one radio instead of two...