I actually missed that part about the tile roof. Yes! Put that antenna in the attic! The tiles might attenuate the signals somewhat, if at all, but your antenna will be one floor up, and higher is always better when it comes to antennas.
This is how happy accidents happen, you start out with a seemingly insurmountable problem, only to discover that what you thought would be a problem, actually isn't a problem at all!
One more thing, you might do extremely well to locate your scanner in the room you were going to put the antenna in. The most important reason for this is to minimize the coax run. if your radio is on the ground floor, running coax up two flights of stairs can actually cause your signal to degrade by the time it reaches your radio! So, keep them close, and you'll be rewarded.
Another reason to locate your scanner in that upstairs room is so you can make it your "official" radio room. Believe me, if you're like the rest of us, here, your gonna start collecting radios. They always find a way to follow you home, it's uncanny! So, it's a good idea to have a place to put them (hide them...?), and more than likely keep your significant other happy in the process.
Happy scanning!