. . . i heard around 7-8 pm last night a big hostage negotiation going on at a school. it sounded like SWAT was there and the guy had a shot gun and multiple hostages. one officer was so close to the suspect, he had to whisper in his radio. i don't know what school it was at (cuz i caught it in the middle), but it was on bellevue tac1 i think. the weird thing is, i didn't see anything on the news. i could understand the news not playing it as live breaking news because it would interfier with the situation. but they would have something about it today, but non of the news stations say anything. bellevue has a training talkgroup channel and i've heard them train before on it, and this thing didn't sound like training. they talked about seeing the suspect and turning off lights, but the emergency lights turned on. they also got him to release the hostages safely, and why would that be part of SWAT training (wouldn't they want to raid the place as part of training). idk, but it sounded serious . . . any ideas?