Anyone know how theyve been communicating with dispatch? Their 2 analog frequencies have been dead silent for like a week now, and when scanning the newly used radio system in "search" mode, they're not there either... anyone?
I heard them last weekend and Monday. I mainly use the north tower since I'm in Dodge. I doubt they will use ORION since they would have not coverage in the NW part of the county. They could use the state system. Pender has great coverage around here.
thank you for the response. i tried holding my scanner on the frequencies and now im receiving them. However when im scanning, on both my 436hp and 536hp, neither scanner picks them up. guess ill have to looks through some settings and see if i can figure this out. Thanks again!
Make sure Favorite list is set to on under scan selection-> lists to monitor. Check service type is on. Ensure appropriate Favorite List quick key, system quick key, and dept quick keys are on. Ensure that System, Dept, or Channel are not set to avoid.