Somewhat fairly new to using SDR's, I'm starting to try them out vs. using two-way radios for my railroad feeds. I only need to pick up from 160.215-161.565MHz, around 1.5Mhz of bandwith. I'm using the RSP1B which can receive up to around 10MHz, but in my testing keeping them that wide open also makes them susceptible to interference from NOAA Weather Radio (which of course is 162.55MHz area, not far off)
I've found that reducing the sample rate and adjusting the center frequency limits the amount of bandwith I receive, and it doesn't seem to pick up NOAA Wx radio when most of that channel is out of the spectrum, but I'm curious if reducing the range that much would impact reception at all. I'll probably need to play with it a bit and see how it picks up when it's on site.
I've found that reducing the sample rate and adjusting the center frequency limits the amount of bandwith I receive, and it doesn't seem to pick up NOAA Wx radio when most of that channel is out of the spectrum, but I'm curious if reducing the range that much would impact reception at all. I'll probably need to play with it a bit and see how it picks up when it's on site.