How SDS100/200 handles an encrypted signal?I want the scanner to ignore/MUTE encrypted P25 transmissions can the SDS-200 do that
Before I buy one
there is a lot of DES-OFB encryption in my area and most P25 scanners
receive encrypted transmissions and give you "gerbil talk"
I want the scanner to ignore/MUTE encrypted P25 transmissions can the SDS-200 do that ?
It’s my understanding Uniden took the federal mandate that states no receiver should be capable of receiving encrypted comms quite literally and designed the SDS models (and the BCDx36HP models) to continue scanning when they identified a signal as being encrypted. I didn’t bother testing that because I lock out or avoid encrypted stuff. However, on occasion, I have heard encrypted transmissions on a TG or channel that is encrypted that I failed to avoid. The only thing you might glean from listening unintelligible transmissions would be an increase or decrease in the amount of transmissions. (A routinely quiet channel that got busy could be a good indicator that something is going on.)
It mutes most encrypted stuff. There are a few variants of DMR and P25-II that aren't always identified as encryption and you hear garbles, but everything else is muted and skipped.
I'm probably wrong, but seem to remember the "flag" was in the header data, if it missed the header you got the enc. Or something similar. P1 is different.I've seen encrypted P25-II get skipped on some systems and played on others. It seems to be a bug in identifying encryption on some variants of P25-II (Harris vs Motorola???) but not others. Same with DMR, on some systems encryption gets skipped, on other you hear the garble. AFAIK there's no reason the bugs can't be fixed eventually. Encrypted P25-I seems to always get skipped.