Dreams About Radios.

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Blondie Once Said To Call Her But Never Answerd
Jul 3, 2023
2600 dialtone blvd
Yes. Just the other day, too. I was looking over some radios on eBay prior to going to bed and I dreamed I bought them and was programming them with the CPS.

I'm a very, VERY vivid dreamer and often times remember my dreams. Sometimes I wish there was a machine so people can see what I'm dreaming because it's out of this world in full HD so to speak... Sometimes I dream about being in a video game I played. Once I was Super Mario hitting blocks... Another time I was flying around on a pteranodon near waterfalls because the night prior I was playing the game ARK and the pteranodon is my main mode of transportation in the game. When I was a little kid I dreamed my brother was a Thomas the Tank with his face and chased me over a cliff. LMAO! Also, when I was a kid I remember dreaming that a wolf was chasing me down the hallway and I made a left into the bathroom and into the shower and turned to see the wolf's GIANT yellow eyes and head that had to be around 5' in diameter. In another wolf dream, I was running from a pack and came upon a house in the forest where I quickly entered the backdoor, locked it and ran to the front door and locked it too, only to see a wolf stand on its hind legs knock at the front door. I've had my fair share of zombie dreams as well. Those are always fun as I usually win, but not always. Usually I find myself running down inside of a bunker/fallout shelter of some kind. It's kinda a hellish nightmare because it's just you and a world full of zombies. In other dreams I'm siting in front of the computer doing computer stuff. But then there are those dreams of "Heather" and that cute pleated cheerleader skirt... LOL!

If I can remember the tidbit, if you can remember a dream it means it lasted around 7 minutes.
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