DSDPlus Fast Lane 2.228 on or around the middle of December. From there, the autoupdate mechanism in DSDPlus informed me when a new version was out ( 2.235 ) and DSDPlus 2.228 allowed me to automatically download the new version, unarchive it (using the password sent in my December Fast Lane email for 2.228) into my DSDPlus folder.
So the last actual email I got was on 12/21/2019. But the last update I got was on January 15th via the update mechanism in DSDPlus (and using the password from the 12/21/2019 email to unlock the new archive that DSDPlus downloaded for me.
At least up until DSDPlus 2.228, emails were sent for everyone. I'm certain because the author is meticulous. if you don't have them, you either deleted them or they went into a spam folder or something like that.
If you don't have a 2.228 email, then your only recourse is to contact