Are you sending the actual program, not a link? Is there possibly a size issue with some providers? If you are sending just a download link, then I don't see that as a problem. I've checked the spam filters at my Comcast and GMail accounts and there is nothing there.
I will be responding to all emails and PMs in a few minutes.
I have a thought I need to share. Over the last year or two, we have had maybe one problem with sending similar updates to all of the DSD+ testers. But now we are having a small flood of problems. Why? I do not know. I have been sending and resending the current update to recipients who say they are not getting them. I have also sent updates to alternate email addresses that have been provided. Nothing is bouncing back to us. Are your email providers really just throwing away your mail? What can I change on our end? How will you receive future updates? This has to be resolved. I have tested sending this update to several of our testers and all copies were received immediately. So there do not seem to be any problems on my end.