dsdplus showing same site ID for LCP system?

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Apr 4, 2012
First off let me say I only believe this is a linked capacity plus system. As dsdplus (2.18) is showing a site when listening to an active channel. Also from the FCC info.


So I'm not sure if the "site number" from dsdplus conclusively tells us this or not. Any confirmation there would mean I'm on the right track, and would be much appreciated.

However when I run the audio through dsdplus (via SDR and VAC, as well as the DSD cc and FMP cc) they both show "site 1" for what I'm calling site West and site East. Occasionally site 1 changes to site 17 but I'm thinking that may just be a mistake as it reverts very quickly back to site 1.

Is this possible with a LCP system or is it something else like just two cap+ sites that workers can roam between? (if that was the case then why are site numbers coming up?)

Also with LCP wouldn't the same traffic be passed on both sites? I can't get solid decodes with my 436hp and moto radio so I can't confirm. I have DSD cc running right now to hopefully confirm the rest of the channel orders.

Any insight would be great as most of the city public works are now on this system. and hopefully we can get it mapped out.

Thanks in advance guys and awesome work.


Apr 4, 2012
I'm starting to think they may be two unlinked sties (hence both showing site 1) and on each site one repeater for voice and one for data revert? Right now I have dsd cc watching the suspected data revert repeater and its not passing any voice but is sending (and dsd is tracking) the "voice" repeaters channels 1 and 2. Would DSD show a busy out condition? because that might help confirm just the two voice channels.

For the other site I haven't recorded any traffic from either repeater all day (but data is pumping out) where the first site has been busy. If it was linked wouldn't I have traffic going there? Can users roam from cap+ to cap+ or would the have to change the channel?

Sorry for all the questions. I'm a noob at the cap+ stuff. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 29, 2013
Can you post a screenshot? You may not know for certain if DSD+ is accurately decoding site information, until you get voice grants.

Of course, you also need to identify all the frequencies associated with a particular site, which it sounds like you're still working on. Keep in mind you should never, ever rely solely or even primarily upon FCC ULS data to identify site frequencies. Rather, you should find nearby DMR frequencies by manually band-searching the entire VHF band with a scanner in analog NFM mode and/or using SDR#. Once you find a possible new DMR frequency, monitor the frequency with DSD+ to see what you've got.


Apr 4, 2012
Lets see if this works. First picture is the "west" active sites "data channel". Second is the wests active voice. Third is the "Easts" data, and fourth is the Easts voice. All are showing the west site since in my dsd files I have the west site as site 1, and 1 seems to be what's coming across on both. You can also see the quick site 17 popping up from time to time. As for other unlisted frequencies I've been pretty active and haven't found anything new in VHF trbo which stands out around here.


  • westdata.jpg
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  • westvoice.jpg
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  • eastdata.jpg
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  • eastvoice.jpg
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 29, 2013
Okay, how many dongles do you have? If you had 4 dongles, you could monitor all the frequencies simultaneously with 4 instances of DSD+ and FMP24 running at once.

Also, have you ever seen more than two OTA channels appear in the channel activity windows (i.e. channels 3,4,5,6 etc)? If so, that would mean you've got missing frequencies. re: Linked Cap+: I've had the impression that if a Site# appears in the DSD+ terminal log along with "Cap+", it usually means Linked Cap+. Can someone confirm this?


Apr 4, 2012
I actually just got done reading your experience this summer and feels very familiar to this. I've never seen more than 2 OTA channels come up. If there were more logical channels then they'd be broadcast OTA and dsdplus would add them to the window? (noob mistake)

This would make sense since the rest channel seems to only "play" in slot/channel 1/2 of this repeater. As soon as both voice paths are done the rest pops right back to one of the channels. In fact sometimes it actually flashes back and forth quickly with a group.

So this is pushing me closer to thinking it's two unrelated (for now) linked cap+ sites each with 1 repeater for voice and 1 for data revert. However I've never seen and LRRP or dsdplus decode-able data from the data repeaters.

I have 3 dongles, and have been doing similar events with my other scanners, and everything has pointed to separate setups. The Color codes of the sites seem to make sense as well. cc 0 and 10 being voice and 1 and 11 being data.

Thanks for the help.
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