East Brunswick TRS

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Dec 19, 2002
East Brunswick, NJ
I noted, with great interest, the newest updates for East Brunswick. Saw there was a move to digital by both EB and South River cop shops. Any ideas out there when this shift will begin? I would appreciate any info you might have and be willing to share.

TNX and 73


Jul 28, 2004
Haven't heard anything coming soon, but there was an incident recently near Main & Kossman where the current radios preformed poorly, with messages needing to be repeated five or six times before Headquarters heard enough of the message to interpret it. OEM was down there the next day or so tweaking with the radios, and each time Mr. Kosik keyed up on PD TAC-1 he had adjusted something, his voice sounded different, and he asked HQ if it was better or worse. This was on my BC 296D. Don't know that much about digital though, could it be an analog adjustment or something?

The Home News Tribune recently published an article saying Finn was losing his post as Public Safety Director. One of the reasons he cited that there was friction between him and the administration was Public Safety wasn't receiving all the money he thought it should be. If that's the case, there might not be updates for some time.

Full Article Text:

EDIT x2:
Also, the Rescue Squad is looking to update it's paging system. It will correspond with South River's existing system. This doesn't really relate to anything digital, but the related call signs are WPZT485 for EBRS and WPNT297 for SRRS for those interested.


Dec 19, 2002
East Brunswick, NJ
Most of the time, communications are lemon charlie. Still a grey or dead spot out there. Have heard nothing digital in EB. Still rumors that detective TG will use it in the future. As to EMS paging problems, that would explain several members trying to get their own pagers and have them programmed independantly. As a side bar, Spotswood Fire has joined the EB TRS with its own talk group. In addition to all EB fire companies, South River Dispatch, Tac, and FG, along with Milltown Fire Ground are building a reliable regional communications capability. Loads of mutual aid between these towns. Makes good sense.


Jul 28, 2004
As for people trying to get pagers, I only know of one member who was ambitious enough to obtain one and have it programmed for County Fire 1, but he's an ueber-whacker who was kicked off Edison 1, I've been told. We are short of functioning pagers though-- again, many of them have literally been through a fire. The new system is supposed to consist of low budget radios issued to members with both paging and talkaround capability, with a possible option of communication amongst both EBRS and SRRS members on these radios. Like you said, it would make sense due to the fact that mutual aid is so common. They often call to see if we have an extra EMT available to take a call, but they obviously can only contact the building. Intercommunication would be helpful to see if any member was available even if not at the building, since after SRRS's time lapses EBRS would be toned out anyway.

And since you mentioned Spotswood, I've heard activity on their new police channel. I had heard the radios being tested the weekend before christmas, and I'm pretty sure I heard police activity this week.

The new Spotswood EMS channel on our trunked system hasn't been programmed into the radios yet though, as I don't think our members are aware of the shift. We do have the Spotswood VHF frequency in our "JEMS" radios still, along with lots of other interesting stuff that isn't used anymore. For instance, there's one channel labelled "Turnpike" in the "JEMS" radio in the (comparatively) newer ambulances that we never use. I don't know much about state frequencies, but I found on the web somewhere that 159.1800 Mhz was for "NJTP Road Service". Maybe I'll look into it if I'm feeling ambitious.

Sorry, I'll stop rambling now.


Jul 23, 2004
Coverage problems seem to come easy with digital systems. Somehow it seems Motorola, for example, always underestimates how many repeater sites will be needed. Great system/coverage planning. Oops, gotta add another site to get rid of that dead spot. That's another couple $50-$200K for them. But just because someone was playing "can you hear me now?" with a radio doeesn't mean it's digital. They could've been playing with a yagi on top of HQ for all we know. Even though SR is a small town they have those hills and dips that cause RF coverage problems. Also, there's no need for digital. They can save tons of $ staying analog and upgrading their existing system. Of course, that's not what the radio vendors will tem them. :wink: :roll:


Dec 19, 2002
East Brunswick, NJ
Have you been able to determine what talk group will be used for Spotswood EMS? I've already posted the Spotswood Fire TG. Would appreciate having this data for posting on the EB TRS thread. Thanks.


Jul 28, 2004
Not completely sure, but I think I heard Spotswood EMS on the same talkgroup that's listed as fire.


Dec 19, 2002
East Brunswick, NJ
Spotswood EMS may, indeed, be on the same TG as the Fire Department. I can neither confirm or deny what I have not heard with my own ears or confirm from other good sources. I would have thought there might be an interop with EB First Aid. That would also be logical since there is a mutual aid pact in effect (unless the MOA has expired). I'd welcome confirmation of where they are going to hang their hat - once we know for sure.


Jul 28, 2004
Well, from our unoffical online records accessible to members, the last call EBRS took in Spotswood was in January 2003, and before that it was June 2002. I'm guessing maybe Monroe takes some of the mutual aid calls? Anyway, no one here except scannerheads noticed Spotswood's arrival on the TRS, and I think I mentioned in another thread the recent problems with our Motorola dealer, so it's unlikely that the radios will be changed, even though it's not a bad idea. I know we were, and EB OEM might be, looking at having radios programmed internally-- perhaps this may be a cheaper more likely option. AHHH, I'm rambling again. Anyway, do you know the unit designations for Spotswood EMS as compared to fire? Maybe then I'd know what to listen for.

EDIT: I can confirm EMS units have been using the same talkgroup as Spotswood Fire.


Jul 28, 2004
Ha! I knew there was a post somewhere about EB's TRS and digital comms. Talk about gravedigging . . .

Anyway, the rumblings from the OEM is that a proposal of some ridiculous amount in the ballpark of $10M is in the works to upgrade the radio system to what will be like, and I'm quoting, "a whole new system." This will be, I'm told, completely digital, likely P-25, most of which will be in the clear. It could just be a pipe dream, but you know how these things go.

I recently sent an update to the TRS to include all the police talkgroups I know about which may or may not be up by the time you read this, and in the update I labeled which ones were currently encryption capable. You can draw your own conclusions about what this might mean for the content of the future proposed system.

I've made my grumblings about the proposed change known, especially about continued and perhaps worsened problems in areas of lower elevation (particularly down south by Main Street) but little can stand in the way of new toys, I guess. I'm hopeful these issues will be ironed out. At least if the TRS blows up, I still have my trusty HT-1250, and I haven't had trouble hitting the WPZT485 repeater yet. Well, I have that and my Yaesu. "When all else fails, amateur radio."


Sep 17, 2004
NJ USA (Republic of NJ)
Matt - thanks for posting these updates. I used to live in and work for EB twp many years ago
and still like to hear what is happening even though I now live in ocean county.
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