I've been browsing this section and the Mobile/Shack photos sections planning some installations both at home and in my vehicle.
Some people have multiple antennas, some people have a multicoupler and a single antenna, some people have a combination...
What should I take into consideration when I plan which to use?
I don't like the idea of having a lot of antennas because I feel like it looks suspicious, and if one antenna would work for multiple radios, perhaps I could spend more on one really good antenna for my house and one for my car.
Some people have multiple antennas, some people have a multicoupler and a single antenna, some people have a combination...
What should I take into consideration when I plan which to use?
I don't like the idea of having a lot of antennas because I feel like it looks suspicious, and if one antenna would work for multiple radios, perhaps I could spend more on one really good antenna for my house and one for my car.