Wow, in listening to the archive of radio traffic during and after the tornado's hitting Weld County yesterday it is incredible. Everyone from Weld SO, local police departments, and even State Patrol in the metro area and foothills couldn't even get out to call out traffic stops. From the comments units were making like, "Can we open up other channels?" there is a serious lack of knowledge about the radio system from and by the people who actually use the radios. Those personnel don't know that they are only allocated a certain number of frequencies to use and when 6 people are talking at the same time that's it. No one else can communicate. So the obvious solution is to get people to stop talking about non emergency topics like I heard by accident from my Pro 96 cycling fast enough. Someone would stop talking about emergency items and I would get some amatuer sounding chic that wasn't audible talking about something that wasn't related to the situation at hand. EOC needs to have a list non-esential radio's that they can shut down in those situations to relieve the air. The other solution is to obviously increase the number of frequencies on those repeaters. Denver has the right idea having 25 dedicated frequencies for just public safety, another whole different system for public works, and yet another system for the airport. As with most things in Colorado we fund the bare minimum like we do with highways. Expand it just enough to relieve current traffic flow. Do nothing to plan for the future. Put just enough frequencies on each repeater to handle normal traffic. We'll add more after something horrible happens and the system is overwhelmed. All in all it was pure chaos there for a while which is to be expected. Props to Weld County dispatch who kept their cool and remained professional through it all. Thanks to all the first responders who make those sacrifices to save others as did my local police department (Firestone) who were one of the first departments to jump on the air and offer assistance to the outside agencies. Those people need the best tools and the digital system isn't the best it could be at this point. They deserve better.