Lindsay and all - I did a quick scan of both MilAirCommsChat and Milcom, and it looks like you came up with the only HF reported so far. There has been several logs in Florida by Al Stern on the UHF milair band, and folks should check the Milcom archives to get those freqs if interested.
However, quite a while ago, Rick Baker had posted the following HF ranges for battlegroup exercises, as he's been keeping track of these for quite a while; I don't have the daytime freqs above 10 mhz (I'm usually not at home during the day when these seem to happen, darnit), but here are the nighttime ranges. Using a good software package will make scanning these freq ranges a breeze (Scan320 for the RX320, and if memory serves, RXPlus can also do it...)
5908-5912 (probably not the best time to search the lowest part of 49 meters...even if it defacto isn't...)
All freqs in Khz and assume USB.
By the way, the name of the exercise as heard by Al is COMPTUEX (at least that's what he is reporting) 73s Mike
[edit] So far only 11193 noted, tho I haven't scanned the other ranges completely as yet. In this situation, sometimes it's better to have one rx sit on one freq while another freq scans. 11193 is still strong after 01, which is after local sunset here in Maryland - short skip must be good on 11mhz this eve.