Fairbanks Area Scanning
Nothing in the Fairbanks area is encrypted with the exception of some very few and unusual military comms from Ft Wainwright and Eielson AFB. Nothing you want to hear anyway. However, both base's military police and fire depts are in the clear.
You will need a trunked scanner since nearly all the state agencies went to ALMRS (Alaska Land Mobile Radio System) in 2006.
That, and allot of the Fairbanks area business communications - taxi, oil delivery, florists - are on a commecial LTR trunked system operated at Birch Hill and another on Ester Dome. Some will use one, some will hit both. You will have no problems listening with a trunked scanner.
There are also some interesting state agencies operating an old defunct piece of crap Granger system to relay voice and radio traffic all over the Interior. If you live in the right place, or have a decent roof/outdoor antenna this can be very interesting listening during fire season. They think the system can not be listened in on, and, it can........ they get colorful.
If you discover an active frequency and want to know who it is, or, need to know the frequency of someone in particular for Fairbanks/Delta/Tok/ and up North - email me.
One of the issues with encryption - and why should not worry about people using it - it just doesn't have the power a clear voice has - it always sounds like somone has turned the volume down. This can be a real problem for police and emergency personnel working in a hilly area like the Fairbanks North Star Borough. It works good over water, places with multiple repeaters, and flat areas like in Kansas - not a good idea in Alaska.
The other issue with encryption is dissemination of the code key(s). Getting everyone to 'code up' their radios on time is like herding cats. When EOA (encryption over air) military technology becomes affordable for small government and state agencies to afford adding this to their trunked systems - it will put a stake in the heart of the typical scanner as we know it. This could take 20-30 years for the technology to become sophisticated enough to deploy and not have a 12 year old kid with the latest computer hack.
Feel free to email me any questions. If I don't have the answer.......I know the people who will.