Conway PD is now Digital and Encrypted
Apparently, from, Conway has moved to AWIN. Not only that, but it appears that the PD and perhaps others are 100% encrypted.
As some other communities have discovered, encryption only works if EVERYBODY in the county is on the same system, otherwise the ability to interact with other agencies is 100% crippled as well. So many PD officers use their cell phones already to discuss some information and the State Police are now using in-car notebook computers for most communications.
I have always said that I have no problem with encryped transmissions when on stake-outs or in very sensitive situations, but otherwise it is very counter-productive from a public prespective and relations side. Routine traffic stops, assistance calls and other similar events are a public service. Remember the citizens are paying the bills for these agencies. Public pressure should rule their actions.
Think about it, would you rather have a patrol officer trying to text, dial a cell phone or pick up a microphone in an emergency and while driving? All the time our legislators are trying to pass bills to prohibite these very practices from the rest of the population, such as the ban for under 18yo's from texting is great as is the hands-free requirement for those under 21. What about those over 65 should their be some restrictions there based on age only? Personally, I think that all dispatching and car to car communicaitons should be by voice. Inflections of the spoken word will always have more impact that a typed word even when SHOUTED OUT in a text format.
Good luck Conway, hope you don't need help from the outside.