FCC Licenses Codes

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Aug 8, 2004
Can somebody explain what the FCC codes such as FB, FB2, FX1, etc mean. I guess the only one im familier with is MO - mobile. I am tring to sort through hundreds of frequencies and pull out the input freqs.

Thanks in advance!


May 30, 2005
Waukesha, WI
bfalcetto said:
Can somebody explain what the FCC codes such as FB, FB2, FX1, etc mean. I guess the only one im familier with is MO - mobile. I am tring to sort through hundreds of frequencies and pull out the input freqs.

Thanks in advance!
Let me guess ... you are getting those codes from Radio Shack's Police Call. Am I right?


Nov 12, 2002
bfalcetto said:
Can somebody explain what the FCC codes such as FB, FB2, FX1, etc mean. I guess the only one im familier with is MO - mobile. I am tring to sort through hundreds of frequencies and pull out the input freqs.

Thanks in advance!

From a database CD I have:

The formatting didn't post well, but it should still tell you what you want to know.

Joe M.

====== ===========================================================================
AOX Operational Fixed
APC Alaska Public
APX Alaska Private
APX2 Alaska Private (Temporary)
AX Aeronautical Fixed
AX1 Aeronautical Fixed (Mobile)
AX2 Aeronautical Fixed (Temporary)
DGP Differential GPS
ELT1 ELT Test (Mobile)
FA Aeronautical Enroute
FA1 Aeronautical Enroute (Mobile)
FA2 Aeronautical Enroute (Temporary)
FAA Aeronautical Advisory (Unicom)
FAA1 Aeronautical Advisory (Unicom) (Mobile)
FAA2 Aeronautical Advisory (Unicom) (Temporary)
FAB Automatic Weather Observation
FAC Airport Control Tower
FAS Aviation Support Instructional
FAS1 Aviation Support Instructional (Mobile)
FAT Flight Test
FAT1 Flight Test (Mobile)
FAT3 Flight Test (Itinerant)
FB Base
FB2 Mobile Relay
FB2C Mobile Relay With Interconnect
FB2I Mobile Relay (Itinerant)
FB2J Mobile Relay (Temporary) With Interconnect
FB2K Mobile Relay (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FB2L Mobile Relay (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FB2S Mobile Relay (Stand-by)
FB2T Mobile Relay (Temporary)
FB4 Community Repeater
FB4C Community Repeater With Interconnect
FB4I Community Repeater (Itinerant)
FB4J Community Repeater (Temporary) With Interconnect
FB4K Community Repeater (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FB4L Community Repeater (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FB4S Community Repeater (Stand-by)
FB4T Community Repeater (Temporary)
FB6 Private Carrier (profit)
FB6C Private Carrier (profit) With Interconnect
FB6I Private Carrier (profit) (Itinerant)
FB6J Private Carrier (profit) (Temporary) With Interconnect
FB6K Private Carrier (profit) (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FB6L Private Carrier (profit) (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FB6S Private Carrier (profit) (Stand-by)
FB6T Private Carrier (profit) (Temporary)
FB7 Private Carrier (non-profit)
FB7C Private Carrier (non-profit) With Interconnect
FB7I Private Carrier (non-profit) (Itinerant)
FB7J Private Carrier (non-profit) (Temporary) With Interconnect
FB7K Private Carrier (non-profit) (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FB7L Private Carrier (non-profit) (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FB7S Private Carrier (non-profit) (Stand-by)
FB7T Private Carrier (non-profit) (Temporary)
FB8 Centralized Trunk Relay
FB8C Centralized Trunk Relay With Interconnect
FB8I Centralized Trunk Relay (Itinerant)
FB8J Centralized Trunk Relay (Temporary) With Interconnect
FB8K Centralized Trunk Relay (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FB8L Centralized Trunk Relay (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FB8S Centralized Trunk Relay (Stand-by)
FB8T Centralized Trunk Relay (Temporary)
FBA Small Base
FBAC Small Base With Interconnect
FBAI Small Base (Itinerant)
FBAJ Small Base (Temporary) With Interconnect
FBAK Small Base (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FBAL Small Base (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FBAS Small Base (Stand-by)
FBAT Small Base (Temporary)
FBC Base With Interconnect
FBGS Ground
FBI Base (Itinerant)
FBJ Base (Temporary) With Interconnect
FBK Base (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FBL Base (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FBS Base (Stand-by)
FBSI Air-ground Signaling
FBST Standby
FBT Base (Temporary)
FC Public Coast
FC2 Public Coast (Temporary)
FCA Marine Support-Testing & Training
FCA2 Marine Support-Testing & Training (Temporary)
FCL Private Coast
FCL2 Private Coast (Temporary)
FCU Marine Utility
FCU1 Marine Utility (Mobile)
FLT Auxilary Test
FLTC Auxilary Test With Interconnect
FLTI Auxilary Test (Itinerant)
FLTJ Auxilary Test (Temporary) With Interconnect
FLTK Auxilary Test (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FLTL Auxilary Test (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FLTS Auxilary Test (Stand-by)
FLTT Auxilary Test (Temporary)
FLU Aviation Support Service
FLU1 Aviation Support Service (Mobile)
FMA1 Aircraft Flight Test Station
FX Fixed
FX1 Control
FX1C Control With Interconnect
FX1I Control (Itinerant)
FX1J Control (Temporary) With Interconnect
FX1K Control (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FX1L Control (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FX1S Control (Stand-by)
FX1T Control (Temporary)
FX2 Fixed Relay
FX2C Fixed Relay With Interconnect
FX2I Fixed Relay (Itinerant)
FX2J Fixed Relay (Temporary) With Interconnect
FX2K Fixed Relay (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FX2L Fixed Relay (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FX2S Fixed Relay (Stand-by)
FX2T Fixed Relay (Temporary)
FX3 Secondary Fixed
FX3C Secondary Fixed With Interconnect
FX3I Secondary Fixed (Itinerant)
FX3J Secondary Fixed (Temporary) With Interconnect
FX3K Secondary Fixed (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FX3L Secondary Fixed (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FX3S Secondary Fixed (Stand-by)
FX3T Secondary Fixed (Temporary)
FX5 Temporary Fixed
FXC Fixed With Interconnect
FXCO Central Office
FXCT Control
FXDI Dispatch
FXI Fixed (Itinerant)
FXIO Inter-office
FXJ Fixed (Temporary) With Interconnect
FXK Fixed (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FXL Fixed (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FXO Operational Fixed
FXOC Operational Fixed With Interconnect
FXOI Operational Fixed (Itinerant)
FXOJ Operational Fixed (Temporary) With Interconnect
FXOK Operational Fixed (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FXOL Operational Fixed (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FXOS Operational Fixed (Stand-by)
FXOT Operational Fixed (Temporary)
FXRP Repeater
FXRX Fixed Relay
FXS Fixed (Stand-by)
FXSB Fixed Subscriber
FXT Fixed (Temporary)
FXTS Auxiliary Test
FXV CTS Exceeding 20'
FXW CTS Meeting 20'
FXY Interzone
FXYC Interzone With Interconnect
FXYI Interzone (Itinerant)
FXYJ Interzone (Temporary) With Interconnect
FXYK Interzone (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FXYL Interzone (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FXYS Interzone (Stand-by)
FXYT Interzone (Temporary)
FXZ Zone
FXZC Zone With Interconnect
FXZI Zone (Itinerant)
FXZJ Zone (Temporary) With Interconnect
FXZK Zone (Stand-by) With Interconnect
FXZL Zone (Itinerant) With Interconnect
FXZS Zone (Stand-by)
FXZT Zone (Temporary)
GCO Ground Communications Outlet
LR Radiolocation Land
LRC Radiolocation Land With Interconnect
LRI Radiolocation Land (Itinerant)
LRJ Radiolocation Land (Temporary) With Interconnect
LRK Radiolocation Land (Stand-by) With Interconnect
LRL Radiolocation Land (Itinerant) With Interconnect
LRS Radiolocation Land (Stand-by)
LRT Radiolocation Land (Temporary)
MFL Aeronautical Multicom
MFL1 Aeronautical Multicom (Mobile)
MFL2 Aeronautical Multicom (Temporary)
MFX Marine Ops Fixed
MFX2 Marine Ops Fixed (Temporary)
MLSB CB Station Class Code
MO Mobile
MO3 Mobile/Vehicular Repeater
MO3C Mobile/Vehicular Repeater With Interconnect
MO3I Mobile/Vehicular Repeater (Itinerant)
MO3J Mobile/Vehicular Repeater (Temporary) With Interconnect
MO3K Mobile/Vehicular Repeater (Stand-by) With Interconnect
MO3L Mobile/Vehicular Repeater (Itinerant) With Interconnect
MO3S Mobile/Vehicular Repeater (Stand-by)
MO3T Mobile/Vehicular Repeater (Temporary)
MO5 Mobile & Temporary Fixed
MO6 Private Carrier Mobile Operation (profit)
MO6C Private Carrier Mobile Operation (profit) With Interconnect
MO6I Private Carrier Mobile Operation (profit) (Itinerant)
MO6J Private Carrier Mobile Operation (profit) (Temporary) With Interconnect
MO6K Private Carrier Mobile Operation (profit) (Stand-by) With Interconnect
MO6L Private Carrier Mobile Operation (profit) (Itinerant) With Interconnect
MO6S Private Carrier Mobile Operation (profit) (Stand-by)
MO6T Private Carrier Mobile Operation (profit) (Temporary)
MO7 Private Carrier Mobile Operation (non-profit)
MO7C Private Carrier Mobile Operation (non-profit) With Interconnect
MO7I Private Carrier Mobile Operation (non-profit) (Itinerant)
MO7J Private Carrier Mobile Operation (non-profit) (Temporary) With Interconnect
MO7K Private Carrier Mobile Operation (non-profit) (Stand-by) With Interconnect
MO7L Private Carrier Mobile Operation (non-profit) (Itinerant) With Interconnect
MO7S Private Carrier Mobile Operation (non-profit) (Stand-by)
MO7T Private Carrier Mobile Operation (non-profit) (Temporary)
MO8 Centralized Trunk Mobile
MO8C Centralized Trunk Mobile with Interconnect
MO8I Centralized Trunk Mobile (Itinerant)
MO8J Centralized Trunk Mobile (Temporary) with Interconnect
MO8K Centralized Trunk Mobile (Stand-by) with Interconnect
MO8L Centralized Trunk Mobile (Itinerant) with Interconnect
MO8S Centralized Trunk Mobile (Stand-by)
MO8T Centralized Trunk Mobile (Temporary)
MOC Mobile with Interconnect
MOI Mobile (Itinerant)
MOJ Mobile with (Temporary) with Interconnect
MOK Mobile with (Stand-by) with Interconnect
MOL Mobile with (Itinerant) with Interconnect
MOS Mobile (Stand-by)
MOT Mobile (Temporary)
MOU1 Aeronautical Utility Mobile
MR Radiolocation Mobile
MRT Marine Receiver Test
MRT2 Marine Receiver Test (Temporary)
MSC Shore Radar Test
MSC2 Shore Radar Test (Temporary)
MSR Shore Radionavigation
MSR2 Shore Radionavigation (Temporary)
RCO Remote Communications Outlet
RLA Aeronautical Marker Beacon
RLA1 Aeronautical Marker Beacon (Mobile)
RLA2 Aeronautical Marker Beacon (Temporary)
RLB Aeronautical Radio Beacon
RLB1 Aeronautical Radio Beacon (Mobile)
RLB2 Aeronautical Radio Beacon (Temporary)
RLC Shore Radiolocation Test
RLC2 Shore Radiolocation Test (Temporary)
RLD Radar/Radar Test
RLD1 Radar/Radar Test (Mobile)
RLD2 Radar/Radar Test (Temporary)
RLG Glide Path (Slope)
RLG1 Glide Path (Slope) (Mobile)
RLG2 Glide Path (Slope) (Temporary)
RLL Localizer
RLL1 Localizer (Mobile)
RLL2 Localizer (Temporary)
RLO Omnidirectional Radio Range
RLO1 Omnidirectional Radio Range (Mobile)
RLO2 Omnidirectional Radio Range (Temporary)
RLR Shore Radiolocation/Racon
RLR2 Shore Radiolocation/Racon (Temporary)
RLT Radionavigation Land Test
RLT1 Radionavigation Land Test (Mobile)
RLT2 Radionavigation Land Test - Temporary
RNV Radionavigation Land
RNV1 Radionavigation Land (Mobile)
RNV2 Radionavigation Land (Temporary)
RPC Ramp Control
SAR Search And Rescue
SAR1 Search And Rescue (Mobile)
WDX Radiolocation Weather Radar
WDXT Radiolocation Weather Radar (Temporary)

Classes of FM stations are defined as follows:

====== ===========================================================================
A 6.0 kW / 100 meters
B1 25.0 kW / 100 meters
B 50.0 kW / 150 meters
C3 25.0 kW / 100 meters
C2 50.0 kW / 150 meters
C1 100.0 kW / 299 meters
C0 100.0 kW / 450 meters
C 100.0 kW / 600 meters

Classes of AM stations are defined as follows:

A Unlimited time station (that is, it can broadcast 24 hours per day) that
operates on a clear channel. The operating power shall not be less than
10 kilowatts (kW) or more than 50 kW.

B Unlimited time station. Class B stations are authorized to operate with a
minimum power of 0.250 kW (250 watts) and a maximum power of 50 kW. If the
station is authorized to operate in the expanded band (1610 to 1700 kHz),
the maximum power is 10 kW.

C Unlimited time station that operates on a local channel. The power shall
not be less than 0.25 kW nor more than 1 kW. Class C stations that are
licensed to operate with 0.100 kW may continue to operate as licensed.

D Operates either daytime, limited time, or unlimited time with a nighttime
power less than 0.250 kW and an equivalent RMS antenna field less than 141
mV/m at 1 km for the actual power. Class D stations shall operate with
daytime powers not less than 0.250 kW nor more than 50 kW. NOTE: If a
station is an existing daytime-only station, its class will be Class D.

This document copyright (c) 1997-2005 FCCData.com


Aug 8, 2004
bigcheez69 said:
bfalcetto said:
Can somebody explain what the FCC codes such as FB, FB2, FX1, etc mean. I guess the only one im familier with is MO - mobile. I am tring to sort through hundreds of frequencies and pull out the input freqs.

Thanks in advance!
Let me guess ... you are getting those codes from Radio Shack's Police Call. Am I right?

Nope, I gave up on Police Call a while ago. This is just from the RR Database here on Radio Reference.


Aug 8, 2004
Thanks Joe.

I've got a list of the abbreviations, but do you know what they mean? Such as FX Fixed, FX1 Control, FB2C Mobile Relay With Interconnect. I understand FB2 is a repeater, right?



Nov 12, 2002
bfalcetto said:
Thanks Joe.

I've got a list of the abbreviations, but do you know what they mean? Such as FX Fixed, FX1 Control, FB2C Mobile Relay With Interconnect. I understand FB2 is a repeater, right?


Mobile Relay = Repeater
Interconnect = Phone Patch capabilities (you can make a phone call)
Fixed = A station
Control = A control station - typically an office or a dispatch center

Joe M.


Apr 18, 2008

Voyager said:
From a database CD I have:

The formatting didn't post well, but it should still tell you what you want to know.

That's helpful. I've seen those abbreviations on the FCC site.
Last edited by a moderator:


Jan 30, 2010
Just a bump to thank Voyager for this code post.

I had been looking all over for this information with no obvious links on RadioReference site
while browsing the FCC LIC list for a county I was interested in.

Found this in a desperation search using Google.

Perhaps someone with skillez could wiki this?
Anyway, Thanks for posting this FCC Code Database listing definition explanation abbreviation FB2.


Oct 10, 2005
Northwest Indiana
What i mean is, the same application as somone would do with a remote base using a mobile radio connected to equipment that allows an operator to transmit and receive through the remote radio using the internet or dedicated phone lines, but in the example I am asking about, this question I am asking is what would the code be for someone who connects remotely though the internet or phone lines to an actual repeater on duplexer frequencies, vs a mobile radio on simplex as a base station. Is there such as code for this kind of an application?



Jul 8, 2002
Control has nothing to do with the type of Rptr in the License.

All you are doing is Wireline control of the Repeater.

Amateur, GMRS or Commercial ? is part of what might determine
FB2, FB4, FB6 etc

What i mean is, the same application as somone would do with a remote base using a mobile radio connected to equipment that allows an operator to transmit and receive through the remote radio using the internet or dedicated phone lines, but in the example I am asking about, this question I am asking is what would the code be for someone who connects remotely though the internet or phone lines to an actual repeater on duplexer frequencies, vs a mobile radio on simplex as a base station. Is there such as code for this kind of an application?



Oct 10, 2005
Northwest Indiana
Ok, I never said that it did. :) Please help me out here.

This is for a commercial application, part 90.

Isn't FB2 just a standard repeater? I am looking for a repeater that is ALSO a remote base and I do not see a code in the list that covers both of them simentaneously.

Thanks much,



Jul 8, 2002
You keep asking about Remote base/Control, this has nothing to do with the actual Rptr classification.

Is your remote Wireline as you just described? :confused: for the Repeater itself

OR is your Remote a BASE [RF] Station which might be met FX1 or FB as a Station classification.

There are too many variables out there, you might be best to work with a reputable radio shop near you who can answer the questions in a more timely fashion

Ok, I never said that it did. :) Please help me out here.

This is for a commercial application, part 90.

Isn't FB2 just a standard repeater? I am looking for a repeater that is ALSO a remote base and I do not see a code in the list that covers both of them simentaneously.

Thanks much,

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