Sometime in our lives we acquired our first radio which was the catalyst for a lifelong interest in the hobby. Maybe it was a cheap imported two-transistor radio from the early '60s, or one of those shirt pocket crystal radios advertised in the back of a Popular Mechanics magazine. Perhaps it was a hand-me-down boat anchor from a friend or relative, or a World War 2 surplus item. It could’ve been a kit like those made by Remco toys or Radio Shack. Or possibly in the CB era of the 70's when we called each other "Good Buddy" that inspired you to purchase a CB radio which opened up a new world of transmitting. Maybe it was your first crystal controlled scanner, whatever. Would be very interesting to see how many of us remember our first inspirational radio. As for me, it was a crystal radio shaped like a rocket circa late 50's and was hearing the voice of announcer Jack Sterling on WCBS in NYC that got me hooked. Thanks for your comments.