I can say at least for my unit I had no problems with the DB update and Firmware update. The 436HP was EWO (Emergency War Order) ready right out of the box. I put fully charged Eneloops in and charged the factory batteries for use later.
No problems with the USB cable ( I think some people may be forgetting to unmount the removable drive before pulling the USB cable out) That can/will corrupt a SD card when you least expect it
UPMAN reception on mine seems better after the firmware update atleast on the NJSP system ( it is now clear as a bell speaker audio is excellent) My HP-1 is very good but the speaker seems clearer on the 436HP and reception is excellent
I haven't setup too much yet like fire tone-outs- favorites or the LED signals but I like it as it is and am sure the firmware updates will fix the loose nuts and bolts as we take our radios on their Sea Trials/Testdrive
No problems with the USB cable ( I think some people may be forgetting to unmount the removable drive before pulling the USB cable out) That can/will corrupt a SD card when you least expect it
UPMAN reception on mine seems better after the firmware update atleast on the NJSP system ( it is now clear as a bell speaker audio is excellent) My HP-1 is very good but the speaker seems clearer on the 436HP and reception is excellent
I haven't setup too much yet like fire tone-outs- favorites or the LED signals but I like it as it is and am sure the firmware updates will fix the loose nuts and bolts as we take our radios on their Sea Trials/Testdrive