I am looking for a flexible whip antenna for HF to mount on my vehicle. I broke my 102" whip while trying to test SWR with and without the spring, so now I'm in the market for a new one. I don't necessarily want to buy another 102" whip, because it was not very resonant on 20-40-80-160 meters. I want something.g tall enough to cover 80-10 with a tuner. I'm not in the market for Ham sticks or Hustler style loading coils and the like. I need a very flexible whip, either fiberglass or stainless steel, over 8 feet long that I can tie down over my car for both clearance issues and NVIS capabilities. I've only seen one antenna so far, from Motorola, that is a fiberglass sectional antenna, that is over 12' long and designed to be tied down. However, lead time from the factory is 18 weeks and the cost is over $200.
Are there any other makers of this type of antenna? The whip I'm looking for must have the 3/8" x 24 thread, since I'm using a heavy duty ball and spring mount on my rear quarter panel.
Are there any other makers of this type of antenna? The whip I'm looking for must have the 3/8" x 24 thread, since I'm using a heavy duty ball and spring mount on my rear quarter panel.