I'm having trouble getting FMPA to recognize the serial number I've put in FMPA.cfg for my Airspy Mini. I used Airspy host tools to get the serial number, and I'm certain it's entered into the .cfg file properly. This is how I have it formatted:
Is this correct?
When I run fmpa (without any extensions, I get the following:
Any help would be appreciated!
xxxxxxxxxxxxx30B ; Airspy serial number list
2.5 ; sampling rate (2.5 or 10)
1024 ; spectrum window width
32 ; FFT size (16k, 32k, 64k)
10 ; spectrum update rate in Hz
5000 -6250 7500 12500 15000 25000 100000 ; step size table; units = Hz; negate default
. ; DSD+ path
.\FMPA-FreqList.csv ; primary frequency list CSV path\filename
.\FMPA-FreqList2.csv ; auxiliary frequency list CSV path\filename
miles ; miles or kilometers
99.9 ; search distance
19.7163 -155.6241 ; search origin
When I run fmpa (without any extensions, I get the following:
FMPA 2.9
FMPA -h for help summary
Current working directory is "C:\Users\musicman476\Downloads\DSDPlus1p101"
Airspy serial number list: -none-
Spectrum window width: 1024
FFT size: 32,768
Spectrum update rate: 10 Hz
Step size table: 5.000 6.250 7.500 12.500 15.000 25.000 100.000
DSD+ path is "C:\Users\musicman476\Downloads\DSDPlus1p101"
Primary frequency list: '.\FMPA-FreqList.csv'
Secondary frequency list: '.\FMPA-FreqList2.csv'
Database search distance: 99.90 miles
Base latitude/longitude: 19.7163 -155.6241
Audio output device #1 = 'Speaker/HP (Realtek High Defini'
Audio output device #2 = 'Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable)'
Airspy lib version = 1.0.6
Airspy lib not supported; update airspy.dll to a newer version